With the recent news that the beloved Duchess Kate was hospitalized recently in relation to HG (Hyperemesis Gravidarum), I saw both an out pouring of love, and more often, ridicule. First – why on earth would we malign a soon-to-be mother for getting medical help? That in itself is mind boggling. Second – the absolute disregard of any information given…
Special Moments Captured {Birth of a Rainbow Baby}
“I wanted to share some photographs from the last home birth I did with you and Birth Without Fear. This is the couple’s first live birth, they had a still birth just over a year and a half ago. This mommy went through 24 hours of labor, and then everything stopped for just over a week. Her water then broke…
After 14 Months of TTC {Trying To Conceive}…
“After 14 months of trying including one miscarriage, we have finally been blessed with our amazing little boy. Bretten Oliver Withey was born 10 days early (my water ruptured at 2am), on 12.5.12 at 2:41pm. He was 7lbs 12oz and 20.5 in long. His daddy arrived at the hospital after being out of state for work just 2 hours before…
Rainbow Baby After Loss of Twins…Special Moments Captured
Victoria with Canary Lane Photography recently photographed this birth of fellow birth photographer, Robin Baker. She has 3 boys and still-birthed twin boys last year. She gave birth to Hannah on the exact same day she lost the twins a year ago. Can not find the words, so here are the pictures…
Baby Pees on Everyone Right After Born {Cesarean Birth of a Rainbow Baby}
Sent in by Jillian. She says, “This was the birth of my son, Avery Reed. He is my rainbow baby. I had attempted a VBAC but decided to get a repeat c-section after a bad reaction to an epidural that left me weak and feeling pretty sick. It was a difficult delivery, and a long hospital stay after, but it…
Every Baby is Born {About Loss and What To Say and Do for a Loss Mom}
This is a guest blog post from Heidi with Stillbirthday. I can’t say enough kind things about this woman and the amazing support and healing that happens because of her mission. She has taught me many things, has helped a dear friend of mine grieve through a recent loss, and never gives up on anyone. I admire her very much…
Unassisted Birth of a Rainbow Baby
“These pictures were taken by my hubby literally about 2 or 3 minutes after birth. This is our 5th baby (all girls) and she’s a rainbow baby. We’ve experienced 4 losses over the years, with the last one being just 4 months before we got pregnant with Baby J. My last birth with baby #4 was a traumatic one that…
A Sacred Birth After Two Miscarriages
Noah was born on February 25, 2012 My husband and I started trying to conceive shortly after getting married. We tried for several years, to no avail. Being very health conscious and into natural healing modalities, we decided to address this challenge by improving our diets and lifestyles, and I started doing regular acupuncture and taking herbs. Slowly but surely…
Aquila’s Story
Liz and I ‘met’ online a year ago. Unfortunately it was not a good experience for either of us. Neither one of us understood where the other was coming from and it became heated very fast. My reactions were nothing short of ridiculous and full of hormones and emotions one might expect from a 10 month pregnant woman. I regret…