Saturday, 26 May 2019 was day of the first ever Birth Without Fear Conference in Australia. Held at the Northside Conference Centre in Crows Nest in North Sydney, it was an amazing day of excitement and inspiration! We want to share with you some of the special moments that just happened to be caught on film by Andrea Edwards of…
Say It: “I Am Magical As F***.”
Life can be hard, disappointing, frustrating, depressing, and scary too. But the moments of utter joy like when you hold your child for the first time, moments of intense love like a lovers embrace, and moments of childlike wonder and awe like meeting beautiful, strong, intelligent elephants make this life worth living for. This mama and her adopted sister were…
The Harshe Podcast – Episode #37: Birth Without Fear Australia Conference Recap
January and Brandon return from their brief hiatus to recap the Birth Without Fear Conference in Australia that took place in Sydney at the end of May! They discuss the reality of January going to Australia alone for a week while Brandon stayed home with the kids, preparing for a conference overseas and how January’s grandmother helped improvise some of the…
The 1st Birth Without Fear Conference in Australia!!!
Saturday May 26, 2018 was the first Birth Without Fear Conference in AUSTRALIA!!! It was a huge success and we can’t wait to come back!!! A post shared by Kayla Rees (@kayla_rees85) on May 26, 2018 at 8:03am PDT Birth without fear Conference today
#Homebirth #sydneyhomebirth #birthwithoutfear #januaryharshe A post shared by Homebirth Access Sydney (HAS) (@homebirthaccesssydney) on May 25,…
Birth Without Fear Conference in Sydney, NSW, Australia – May 26, 2018
Get ready to join January Harshe for the first ever Birth Without Fear Conference in Australia! We will be celebrating the eight year anniversary of Birth Without Fear, in Sydney, and we want you to come help us celebrate!
Arlo’s Birth Story
I was 38 weeks and 1 day, and it was it was 2:30am on the morning of my husband Jeremy’s birthday. I was trying to sleep when my cat, Sparky, crept up to me and purred as I patted her and she snuggled into my tummy. I adjusted my hips slightly and suddenly felt a ‘pop’ inside me. I jumped…
A Fast {Unexpected} Home Birth
My home birth I always wanted… She’s dropped. Its 3 1/2 weeks till my due date; I’m a little disappointed because I’m pretty tuned in with my body. I wanted her to come full term – a nice 7pounds she would be, the doctor said. I knew she wouldn’t last in there any longer than a week, this pregnancy was…
A Natural Hospital Waterbirth {Delayed Cord Clamping, With Pictures}
[Thank you Jessica Douglas-Monks for sharing your story and beautiful pictures with us!] I had been having pre-labour pains and contractions since 37 weeks, so by the time Arya’s due date rolled around, I was well and truly ready to have her. On the Monday morning I was having some sharp pelvic pain and some semi-consistent contractions so I went in…
Birth Photostory | Rebecca Colefax Photography
“This beautiful family of 5 just became a family of 6! Labour was very fast and extremely powerful – but mummy was strong, empowered and courageous. A wonderful inspiration to her daughter who was present throughout and was the best little birthing assistant I’ve ever seen. This birth was an amazing experience for me as a photographer for this was…