Michelle Powell from Bulli, NSW Australia, writes about the births of her three children: I had my first precious daughter Kalani totally drug free in the hospital just one hour after arriving, having laboured as long as possible at home for a few hours. I was so fortunate to be allowed into a midwifery group program here in Australia. It is…
After 14 Months of TTC {Trying To Conceive}…
“After 14 months of trying including one miscarriage, we have finally been blessed with our amazing little boy. Bretten Oliver Withey was born 10 days early (my water ruptured at 2am), on 12.5.12 at 2:41pm. He was 7lbs 12oz and 20.5 in long. His daddy arrived at the hospital after being out of state for work just 2 hours before…
Home Water Birth in Australia
Amy from Life With Soul shares the birth of her daughter Savannah Bronwyn, “…a terribly, terribly proud moment in my life when I took control of my body and family and did it my way. At home.” As she says, check out the slideshow and “Come back here and let me know if you made it without a hanky!” Click…
Powerful Labor, Gentle Cesarean, Breastfed on Operating Table
On Tuesday Sept. 25th, after two weeks of prodromal labor, I awoke just before 6 am with my bleeding and cramping. At that point, my surges became much more intense and more regular. I called the birth center, and my midwife Cathy G. was thrilled for me and told me to check in when things got more intense. That night…
Congenital Anemia, Three Days in Labour, and a Hospital Cesarean.
I was high risk my whole pregnancy. My doctor never thought I would make it to full term. After four blood transfusions throughout my pregnancy for severe congenital spherocytosis anemia, some bed rest, and hospital monitoring twice a week to make sure my fluids were okay, we made it to 40 weeks! I was induced Monday September 10, 2012, since my anemia was…
Yay! A Baby!
“This is a picture of us welcoming our second son (first homebirth) on January 15th, 2012. Colin Ezra was born after 8 minutes of pushing.” ~Erin W. For more captured moments right after birth, go here.
Water Birth Announcement with Pictures: Mom Catches Baby
“I recently became a fan on your facebook page and have been so encouraged by all of the wonderful stories that are posted. I gave birth to my 5th baby, a girl, on Feb. 20th at 11:11 am. She was 9lbs and 21 3/4 inches. Her name is Abigail Glory. This was my 3rd home water birth, and the 2nd…
The Rad Placenta
I was recently banned from posting on BWF and personally on Facebook for this placenta picture taken by Seana. I was also warned that next time, pages and profiles might be deleted. There is nothing stating in any Facebook policies that organs are violating any rules. We all know there are many obscene pictures that do violate policies and are…
Birth Picture of Baby with Cord Still Attached
It goes overlooked (or is not discussed) that there is another stage of labor/birth. Once baby is born, and all fingers and toes are counted, the placenta still needs to be birthed. Here is a picture of that time between the birth of the baby and the birth of the placenta, which is also referred to as the 3rd stage…