• My CBAVBAC – Cesarean Birth After VBAC

    The birth of my second child was shared on your blog several years ago: Long Labor Ends with Beautiful HBAC. With my home birth I really wanted to inspire other women. I wanted to show them that they are capable of having the birth that they want. This time around, I think it’s important to share that sometimes the birth…

  • Emily’s Birth Story

    Monday, the 15th of December, 2014 – my husband and I anxiously waited in the waiting room of the hospital for our midwife appointment. At this point, I was eight days late and we were a little anxious to meet our baby we’d waited nine long months for, anxious about the impending labor and delivery that we both had no…

  • HBA3C with Inverted ‘T’ Scar

    {Each woman, baby, and birth are different. Educate yourself, hire the right support, and do what is best for you and your baby. We share experiences and wisdom that is passed on from mother to mother. Please contact your care provider for questions or concerns regarding your pregnancy and birth.} “The knowledge of how to give birth without outside interventions lies…

  • Happy Hospital Birth

    My name is Krista Parrilla and I am the mother of two beautiful babies. My birth story will, hopefully, bring positive light to hospital births. Although, my birth was not planned to be in a hospital, but at home, it turned out the way I planned. I knew my midwife personally. I was her son’s manager at a retail chain;…

  • Arlo’s Birth Story

    I was 38 weeks and 1 day, and it was it was 2:30am on the morning of my husband Jeremy’s birthday. I was trying to sleep when my cat, Sparky, crept up to me and purred as I patted her and she snuggled into my tummy. I adjusted my hips slightly and suddenly felt a ‘pop’ inside me. I jumped…

  • I Am Strong – MoMo Twins

    I am strong, because the day the test finally said, “Schwanger” (pregnant) was the best day of my life. I am strong, because I had a solid plan for a natural pregnancy and birth. I am strong, because my seven week ultrasound showed two heart beats, but only one amniotic sac. I am strong, because for two horrible weeks they…

  • I Am Strong – Because of Hudson

    I am strong, because I was told I would never have children. I am strong, because I have Endometriosis, PCOS, and Lupus. I am strong, because in 2013 I became pregnant. I am strong, because throughout my pregnancy I was hospitalized numerous times for problems stemming from lupus. I am strong, because a week before my due date I had…

  • I Am Strong – A Premature Birth Story

    I had my birth completely planned out to the smallest detail: I had a midwife, a birth center, a natural birth plan. Everything was perfect. At six weeks until my due date I woke up to my water being broken, I had to rush to the nearest hospital without my midwife and with all plans going out the window.  My…

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