My breech babies: Brooke, Brady and Blake. “The road to motherhood is not always a clear and simple journey. I learned this first hand as all of my babies presented breech. I do think more women should be given the choice with breech babies – it should be an option to birth vaginally. Where we live, midwife’s are not allowed to deliver…
The Backwards Views of the World and Women {Facebook}
We recently shared this picture, sent in by Brooke, on our BWF Facebook page. It was so loved, but within one day it was removed from Facbook as a violation. What does this violate? Being innately wonderful, beautiful and lovely? Being a girl? The child was not naked. We cropped it though, to make sure there were no issues. You…
Frank Breech Story {Vaginal Hospital Birth After Induction}
In 2009 I became pregnant with my second child. I was very excited. My first birth had gone very well, easy, no complications, no interventions. After birthing an 8lb 1oz posterior baby boy after only 4 hours of labor and 30 mins of pushing, I decided the second would be out of hospital. We hired a great midwifery team. My…
Planned Homebirth, Hospital Transfer {Photo story}
Here are a few of my birth pics… My water had broken earlier in the day and while out walking to get labor going I saw a puddle… Hehe! In hospital where we transferred after laboring for 12 hrs and pushing for 4 1/2. Sweet baby Otto was asynclitic and we could not get him to move. We tried EVERYTHING!…
Our Sister’s Keepers
“That one-third of the world’s women are deprived of their right to bear girls is the biggest women’s rights abuse on earth. This is the true War on Women, and it deserves a passionate response.” –Reggie Littlejohn Two of my favorite people in human history were midwives. They lived long before anyone was debating home vs. hospital, and their courage…
Speedy {Literally Outside of the} Hospital Birth
We received an email from Emily Robinson Photography last night about a wild birth she attended the night before that she thought we might like to share. YES! Wild is right! Mama didn’t even make it into the hospital (until after the babe was born)! The midwife was serendipitously right there when they pulled up and calmly caught the baby…
Home Water Birth to 5th Boy {A Beautiful Journey}
{Editor’s Note: This story comes to me from a friend. This was her 5th baby – and 5th boy. She also blessed another family by being a surrogate for twin girls. Her journey comes to us not only from a place of perspective – having given birth in several ways and places – but also from a place of emotional…
I Did It! {HBAC}
“A week ago I was able to have an awesome HBAC with my new daughter! Reading all of the wonderfully supportive comments on my first birth story that you published was almost like a virtual blessingway that close to the end of my pregnancy. My birth experience this time was all that I wanted it to be. I wish that all women…
Unmedicated Birth Story {Pre-Labour ROM, Induction 48 hours Later}
My birth story starts with me meeting an amazing woman and deciding to start a family together. Which of course is not as easy as it sounds. First we had to decide who would carry said child as we are of course a same sex couple. Then started the hunt for a donor. We wanted someone who would like to…