My birth story starts with me meeting an amazing woman and deciding to start a family together. Which of course is not as easy as it sounds. First we had to decide who would carry said child as we are of course a same sex couple. Then started the hunt for a donor. We wanted someone who would like to be a part of this future child’s life.
We found a wonderful man and the journey began, which did not take long. We were fortunate enough to fall first go. We were thrilled.
This pregnancy took its toll on me as an individual, us as a couple, and the 3 of us as a family (including our 10 year old daughter) she had been the only child for 9 yrs. My partner has never had a child before meeting me and it had been 10 years since I had been pregnant and birthed a child. So all these factors came with a lot of emotions.
After a lot of ups and downs, we were told at my 22 week scan that I had a low lying placenta and if my placenta did not move enough I would be made to have a c-section. I was in tears at this news as it was something I did not consider.
I had my daughter naturally; drug free and I had planned the same with our son (we also found that out at the 22 week scan). The anxiety and fear set in as I have never had an operation.
I had a few more scans after that and was told my placenta had become lower so I was to be booked in for a c-section at 37 weeks. Something I did not want to hear. I begged to wait until at least 39 weeks to make sure it was a definite c-section and I couldn’t birth naturally.
At almost 40 weeks I went for my last scan and low and behold my placenta had moved to a safe level and I was allowed my natural birth. I was overjoyed but my partner was still anxious and scared of the pros and cons of birthing naturally.
On my exact due date my waters broke, but alas nothing happened (this also happened with my daughter). They let me go 2 days with my waters broken before I went in to be induced.
I had a great support system. My mum, partner, sister-in-law and a great midwife who was supportive from the start of my decision to birth drug free.
5 and a bit hours later I birthed our gorgeous little man Bentley weighing in at 8 pound 5 and 54cm long.

Our family was complete.
We have a gorgeous 10 yr old and a thriving 5 month old. We are getting married in December this year, and planning our next baby that my darling partner will carry.
Maternity photography by R-squared Photography
you are a beautiful family! I wish nothing but the best for you all and pray your next baby will come just as easily!
Awesome story & 2 beautiful children.
A wonderful story!
I am also a mum in a same sex relationship and can’t help but feel a little more accepted each time I read another story of diverse families.
All the best for your babies, and you both.
Katie Ireland
Beautiful family!!!!
Ali H.
What a great story – your kids are beautiful! Best of luck to the four of you! Everyone should be as lucky as you bunch. 🙂
I loved this story, and all of your photos too!! Your children are just beautiful!