• How {I Am Strong} Posts Began

    Last year, I took a 20 day break from FB in October. I came back feeling unattached and refreshed. I found new inspiration in how to support, love and inspire women through Birth Without Fear. One day, in December, I felt prompted to share this… December 28, 2012 at 9:00am · I am strong because I had 2 surgical births…

  • Breech Birth Story {Frank Breech}

    In 2009 I became pregnant with my second child. I was very excited. My first birth had gone very well, easy, no complications, no interventions. After birthing an 8 lbs. 1 oz. posterior baby boy after only 4 hours of labor and 30 mins of pushing, I decided the second would be out of hospital. We hired a great midwifery…

  • Military and Loss {I Am Strong}

    I am strong because at the age of 18, I went through about 8 months of my first pregnancy alone while my husband was serving our country in Iraq. I am strong because I was induced at 38 weeks pregnant, while my husband was home on R&R, and after 10+ hours of labor, I delivered our daughter via Cesarean because…

  • Delivering Through Deployment {Army Wife}

    My name is Chelsea Carey and my husband is active duty Army. He serves as an Infantryman and we were stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, but are in the middle of being PCS’ed to Germany. My first pregnancy was fairly easy and as a dance instructor, I managed to stay active and teach the whole way through. So…

  • Natural Hospital Birth Photos {Live Without Fear}

    I found out I was pregnant my first year of dental school and against all the negativity I received telling me I could never do both, I pushed through fighting everyday. There was even more negativity regarding my decision for a natural child birth (people are crazy!) I had a beautiful 100% natural hospital birth and I wouldn’t change a…

  • Home Waterbirth After Ovarian Cancer

    Thank you Jess for your beautiful story! I had my first child in October of 2011 at home surrounded by my family and midwife.  It was 18 hours of hard labor with 3 hours of pushing before he decided to finally show himself to us!  He was perfect! 22 inches and 8.14 lbs!! It was probably the craziest, hardest, and…

  • Walked the Baby Right Out {A VBAC Story}

    (I requested my hospital records and added details in brackets to my story from those records) ~Goldie My first born son, Rafi, was born via c section after 36 hours of back labor and 3 hours of pushing in August of 2009. Rafi was in the occiput transverse position (facing my hip) when they pulled him out, and the reasons…

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