• Calm Hospital Waterbirth

    It was a Monday afternoon, just turning 38 weeks, and I starting having discomfort. I timed my contractions to be 2 minutes apart but only lasting 30 seconds. I called the OB unit to ask what to do, since I was sure it wasn’t labour but the contractions were getting hard to talk through. The nurse told me it was up to…

  • Fast Hospital Birth in Australia

    I was 18 when I gave birth to Ella. I had absolutely no idea about pregnancy or giving birth, I was terrified and very unprepared. I had a fairly quick drug free labour but spent the whole time in bed on my back, bub was in a bad position and had become stuck, I pushed for almost 3hrs before she…

  • A Shanghai Hospital Birth Story

    From the time those two little pink lines appeared, my pregnancy had been so surprisingly easy and smooth. In fact, whenever I was asked, at various points throughout the forty-plus weeks of gestation, how pregnancy was treating me, I felt a bit guilty answering honestly, “idyllic.” It was only when forty-one weeks passed with barely the smallest hiccup of a…

  • Barely Made It {Military Hospital}

    I was never one of those people that originally thought I wanted to have an all-natural birth. In fact I remember saying why would you go through all that pain when you can get an epidural? Would you want your leg broken without pain medication?! How dumb was I? LOL Anyways I went through with that mentality with the pregnancy…

  • My Natural Birth With Emma {A Real Fight}

    The story of my natural birth with my second daughter Emma is one that I think of as a challenge and one of hard work. After Emma was born I had over-analyzed our birthing experience and had even sat with my doctor to go over all of the points that I found did not work, or made the experience difficult.…

  • Supporting Women in All Birthing Choices

    It has taken me about a year and a half of blogging to get to a place that I feel I am really doing this and that others see it too. I’ve always had this vision…to passionately share my views about childbirth and inform woman they have choices in how they birth, but not alienate anyone. You have a few…

  • Midwife’s Own Planned Unassisted Homebirth!

    I believe that every pregnancy and birth teaches us something as women that transforms us into the mothers that our children need us to be. My entire experience of “Sunshine’s” pregnancy and birth was one of learning to trust in my body, my instincts, and my relationship with my husband. My hubby (B) and I were really enjoying parenting our…

  • Painless Natural Homebirth, Post Partum Transfer

    The reason I want to share my story is because its positive, and I had a completely natural home birth. I feel like in today’s world, especially in America, that’s not a story you hear very often. I didn’t know a home birth was a possibility at first, because I didn’t know anyone who had had one, and I assumed…

  • Gentle Beginnings {Boone’s Birth Story}

    Hi there!  I wanted to share my amazing Birth Center Water Birth with ya’ll.  Your website was an amazing inspiration when I was preparing for my natural birth.  I felt empowered reading all of the stories!  I’m hoping my story will do the same for other women preparing for a natural birth.  Thank you for all that you do! -Brooke…

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