Hi my name is Bailey, I am 22 year old new mother. Here is my story: I am strong because I have struggled with anxiety, depression and addiction since I was a teenager. I am strong because I can admit that. I am strong because when I found out I was pregnant at 21 years old nothing else mattered. Every…
When is Being a Mother Going to Be Enough?
The short answer is, it always has been.Mothers, we have the hardest and most important job. It’s that simple and true. That job alone is monumental, ever changing, priceless and too great to put in a status update. It’s THAT big. On top of this, we work, serve, sleep little, support our spouses, and take on extra responsibilities. We need to slow…
Natural Hospital Birth {Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome}
This is the birth story of my son Sawyer Emerson Karli. It is a story about standing up for myself, even when, especially when, things don’t go exactly as planned. My husband and I had talked about wanting to have children early in our relationship. It was something we both really wanted and I wasn’t sure with my Polycystic Ovarian…
Morning Snuggles with Babies and Pets
Lily Rose’s fur brother, Murdoc, is not much of a snuggler, but when it comes to his baby human he won’t pass it up! This is what morning nursing looks like at our house! {Sarah} Updated picture! Still friends.
A Natural Hospital Water Birth
My story really begins from 36 weeks pregnant. This is when the “challenges” began! Up until this time, everything had been going smoothly, and I was feeling fantastic. Then, at my 36 week appointment with my OB, she informed me that a blood test she’d gotten me to do previously had come back showing I had cholestasis (where the liver…
Capturing Sweet Memories
Recently Canon Canada contacted me about their Rebel SL1 and a new app they are launching. They asked if I’d like to try it out. Now, I’m a 100% iPhone pic kind of gal, but thought, “Hey, why not? I have a lot of kids and am always around cute babies!” I started playing with it and absolutely fell in…
The Natural Hospital Birth of Sloane {A Birth Photographer’s Birth Story}
When people would ask me when I thought I would give birth to our baby girl I always guessed that I would have her one week early. However, as I got further along in my 3rd trimester, I was sure that I was going to make it to my due date or at least go overdue. I felt amazing –…
Cesarean Birth Trauma and then VBAC {2 Stories}
My first birth C-section and disrespect. I never doubted my body’s ability to give birth. I guess that is why I didn’t think I needed to research my birth options. My mother gave birth vaginally, her mother, my other grandmother had 10 children vaginally, all the way back to my great great grandmother who had six sets of twins vaginally…
Like a Dragon: A Quick Home Birth
Mallory C. writes about the quick home birth of her daughter Alice Jessica. “I definitely complained a lot during my pregnancy. Let me tell ya, though, the birth of our daughter, the actual labor and delivery – I have no complaints. My water broke at 2am. Contractions didn’t start until 3:30. I finally woke up John at 5am because they were…