• A Cesarean for Breech Baby, Jaundice and PND

    At our 19 week scan, the sonographer found that our son, J’s, nuchal fold was more prominent than it should be. She also found the left brain ventricle to be larger than the other. These, we discovered, were soft markers for some chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, and it may have indicated J having fluid on the brain. I…

  • I am Strong {28 Weeks}

    I am strong because I wasn’t afraid to get pregnant, even though I have Type 1 Diabetes. I am strong because I have never been healthier than when I was pregnant. I am strong because I advocated for myself when the nurses said my blood pressure was nothing to worry about. I am strong because I admitted myself to a…

  • Loving My Body {One Scar at a Time}

    My fourth baby, an attempted VBA2C, left  me with my final scar of childbirth. After 3 premature deliveries, progesterone shots allowed me to carry to 38 weeks 6 days. Labour began on its own and after a stalled labour, forehead presentation and Bandels Ring I delivered by a calm and quiet c-section, the final chapter in my family’s growth. I…

  • I am Strong {Miracle Twins}

    I  am strong because I was told I would never have kids. I was 19 years old and the doctor told me I was in early menopause. They said they could put on me on hormones to boost my body back, but it would take at least 2 years for my hormones to level out. I told my husband that…

  • Healing Hospital VBAC After Traumatic Cesarean

    The stories of my children’s births are both my worst and best day. Jackson was born February 26, 2011.  I had wanted a natural childbirth, unfortunately that did not happen.   I was called by my midwife on the 23rd, stating that she had concerns regarding some of my blood work and said that I would need to be induced that…

  • Birth Story of Ace {Homebirth Transfer to Cesarean}

    My birth story begins well before we even conceived Ace. My sisters both had cesareans for various reasons. I began to question everything about birth and I knew I wanted something better for myself. After all our research we decided a homebirth with a midwife would be best. We planned to give birth at my husband’s mother’s house because our…

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