{Editors Note: This story comes to us from a strong young mother. When our births take a turn we did not expect, it can effect how we feel as mothers and women. Postpartum Depression is real. Mothers – you are not alone. Seek support and help in the best way possible to help you heal.} At nineteen, I found out…
Military and Loss {I Am Strong}
I am strong because at the age of 18, I went through about 8 months of my first pregnancy alone while my husband was serving our country in Iraq. I am strong because I was induced at 38 weeks pregnant, while my husband was home on R&R, and after 10+ hours of labor, I delivered our daughter via Cesarean because…
“Infertility is a funny beast.” | Thoughts On Infertility, Loss, Pregnancy And Motherhood
Thank you Sarah, for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Infertility is a funny beast; it affects your life in so many different ways. We had issues conceiving our first child, spent almost 30 months trying to conceive and had begun the testing process that had showed up a few issues. Miraculously I found out I was pregnant only two days…
C-Section Without Fear {Baby Reaches His Hand Out from the Womb}
I went in for an induction due to having preeclampsia, after 24hrs I showed absolutely no progress. Our baby was still doing well so we decided to go ahead with a c-section while it was not yet an emergency situation. I believe my hypno-birthing techniques helped me tremendously through my induction. On 9/1/10 our son Zander Knight was born The C-section…
Compassionate Elective Cesarean Birth {Photographer’s Point of View}
A story as told by the birth photographer, Angela This is Jessica’s story, but also in some strange way, it became mine as well because I can honestly say it changed my views. As I type this, I’m assuming Jessica is cuddling her sweet baby boy – who she brought home a little over a week ago. Jessica decided to…
“Pulled Apart And Put Back Together” {A Cesarean Section Procedure}
[Warning: This post describes and illustrates Cesareans sections with graphic detail.] The Cesarean section is often described as simply “an incision in the abdomen”, or variations to that effect. Usually you’re told it’s “straightforward” or “simple” or “virtually risk-free” or even “the easy option”. But what is it, really? I’ve heard stories where the muscles are cut, and stories where…
Breech Cesarean Birth {After Spontaneous Labour}
We knew at 34 weeks that Parker was frank breech. Every one kept saying she’d turn. I tried spinning babies exercises to turn her; every thing. I was desperate to have VB, so I agreed to the versions. Her butt was just stuck. It was so painful. The doctor moved her head from side to side, but she would never…
Three Cesarean Births {Military Family}
I have wanted to write my experiences about child birth for some time now. My oldest is 4, then I have a 2 year old, and my precious 5 month old. All boys. All perfect. My first pregnancy was amazing. I was on cloud 9 the moment we found out about Jackson. My husband and I had been trying to…
A Supported TOLA2C Cesarean Birth Story
A little background about why I started to seek out a way to birth the way I knew my body was able to. First we start with my first born, Bridgit, who is currently 4 and half. She’s a spit fire just like her mom, who knows what she wants and will do what it takes to get it. I…