• Complete Pack of 3 Boys: Connor’s Birth Story

    With each of my pregnancies, I have changed my goals for labor slightly. For my first pregnancy, I was concerned with having a totally natural birth without any medication. My labor was incredibly long and slow, and by the end I felt like a zombie lying in bed waiting in fear of the next contraction. With my second pregnancy, I…

  • My Final Birth Story

    Jessica shares the story of her third son’s birth at home.  I wanted to write about the birth of Mattis, our third baby boy, but I quickly realized in order to get to the point of my husband and me deciding to have a home birth, it would take a little back ground info; well, actually, a lot. This maybe…

  • The Birth of Robinson Blake Sylvester: Part I

    Kara shares with us the powerful story of her son’s birth. In October 2015, we found out we were expecting our fourth little miracle. It was a definite surprise to us, coming sooner than we had planned. There was no trying, or medications, or hoping month after month like the last time. It was definitely not our timing at work, but…

  • Positive Support for Pregnant Mamas with Breech Babies

    I have written before how a breech baby is another variation of normal. Having a breech presentation does not mean you automatically need to schedule a c-section. Remember, our babies are wise and know just how they need to be for birth. Most of the time, babies will turn, even late in pregnancy and labor!!!  You can read my other…

  • From Panic to Joy – Unassisted Birth in the Car!

    Let me start by saying I have planned an all natural childbirth (no pain medications) from the beginning, and lied to anyone who asked if I was planning all natural. We hired a doula around 16 weeks pregnant and sat in several hours of childbirth classes. We felt prepared. On Thursday, June 9th, we (David and I) went to the Albertville Farmers…

  • Breech Babies Are Another Variation of Normal

    Originally written 10/29/2010. With my first child, I knew I wanted a natural birth. I chose the local birth center and hired the team of midwives. I attended my regular appointments and the birth classes they offered. Starting around 30 weeks I questioned the position of my baby. I asked three of the midwives at three different appointments if they…

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