I have been following January and BWF for a few months now. Your Blog and Facebook page really helped me through the last part of my second pregnancy. I was diagnosed with GD and had to deal with switching insurance at 36 weeks to a non-supportive insurance. The second half of my second pregnancy was the start of fear, anxiety,…
Natural Hospital Birth {Support is Essential}
OK, I have to be honest. Writing this is hard for me. For some reason, I don’t want to write it. Like I’m dreading it? I think there are just too many things about it to write down so I know it’ll take me forever…? I have no idea. But here’s my attempt. I definitely want it documented. I have…
Difficult Pregnancy and Traumatic Birth {Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Gestational Diabetes, Cholestasis And Induction}
My pregnancy and birth were by no means ideal or what I had planned. But sometimes its more important to hear about the births that didn’t go to plan than the ones that did. If my experiences can help just one person then my story is worth sharing. – Johanna Ever since I was a little girl I have been…
I Will Birth My Baby {Out Of My Vagina!}
I am STRONG because I spent 9. 5 years since my first babies traumatic birth educating myself and becoming informed. 7. 5 years since my sons unnecessary, failed induction leading to my second cesarean, I learnt to trust my body. I am STRONG because I knew I wanted a VBA2C, I also wanted a Homebirth as I had wanted to…
The Truth About Gestational Diabetes {And Why It’s Not Your Fault!}
So you’ve had the Glucose Tolerance Test, or maybe you’ve been monitoring you’re blood sugar levels at home, and your blood sugar readings were high. You have been given a diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes. If your experience was anything like mine, an Obstetrician or midwife gave you a pamphlet on ‘Diabetes and Pregnancy’, referred you to a dietician and endocrinologist…
Gestational Diabetes: To Test Or Not To Test
If you’ve been pregnant, chances are you’ve had to decide whether or not to take a ‘Gestational Diabetes’ test. You’ll usually be given a form to go have one of two ‘routine’ tests, the Glucose Challenge Test or the Glucose Tolerance Test, and that’s that. When I was pregnant I wasn’t really given any explanation about the test except that…
A Surprisingly Quick Natural Birth
My little Rainbow baby is finally here and, between the chaos of the first few weeks and our soon-to-be relocation to Florida, things have been a whirlwind around here. No less a whirlwind than his birth though! From the beginning I decided to make this my most natural birth to date. I decided on no epidural, Pitocin, induction, or anything…