• Birthday Celebration of a VBAC

    So last night, I get this email from the beautiful Mae Burke, “Tomorrow is my friend, Chelsea’s, baby girl’s birthday. Her first was an unneccesarian, and the second was an HBAC. January, every single day she got on BWF, scowering the pages for info.” So I of course click on the links she sent me and literally got goosebumps from…

  • That Moment…Welcoming Baby Earthside

    That moment when baby is finally earthside, when mom thinks, “Finally!” is one of those moments in life that is highly anticipated, never forgotten and forever special. When a picture is captured of this moment, it is always amazing to see. It is not only beautiful and raw, but as if we are seeing something (almost) that we shouldn’t be.…

  • Birth Announcement: HBAC, Pushed 6 Hours!

    Julie sent in the following announcement. Just lovely. “I had my HBAC on 13 December and gave birth to our son, Kanoa Wolf, in the loving familiarity of our own home. it was not an easy birth as I pushed for 6 hours! but i did it; my midwives were ANGELIC, my husband was a rock, and my baby stayed…

  • What is a ‘Birth Without Fear’?

    An empowering birth without fear. What does that mean? It does not mean there are never any fears, it doesn’t only take place at home and it is different for each women. A birth without fear can take place… –At home –In the hospital –Unassisted –As a Cesarean Birth –When having a VBAC –At a Birth Center When asked what…

  • VBAC Birth Pictues, Intimate and Special

    One of our wonderful BWF Mamas is willing to share her special and intimate birth pictures with our community. She says, “These are pictures that were taken by our doula at the birth of my third son. I delivered him at home after a c-section in 2000 then a VBAC in a hospital in 2009. I feel these pictures represent…

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