My name is Lindsay. I live in NH with my husband and our 2 year old daughter. This is my birth story. Ruby Grace D. was due on November 21, 2010. We chose to see a certified nurse midwife (Katrina) at Women’s Heath Associates. The practice also has two doctors on staff there. We decided that we wanted to have…
A BWF Admin’s Hospital Induction and NICU Story
Really I had a great pregnancy. Nothing went wrong. I really couldn’t have gotten any luckier. We were ready for a baby and we got pregnant without trying. Something just told me I needed to take a pregnancy test. I wasn’t really having any pregnancy symptoms. My period was always irregular. It came about the same time of the month,…
Barely Made It {Military Hospital}
I was never one of those people that originally thought I wanted to have an all-natural birth. In fact I remember saying why would you go through all that pain when you can get an epidural? Would you want your leg broken without pain medication?! How dumb was I? LOL Anyways I went through with that mentality with the pregnancy…
A Fast Hospital Birth with a Doula and Nurse
I am a military wife who had high expectations for my second labor and delivery after a not-so-great experience of an induction (selfishly chosen) with my first baby at 40 weeks. I chose to be induced the first time on my EDD so that my husband could be there for it, as he was leaving for 5 months of training.…
I Wish I Would Have Known {A Birth Story}
Juliet is nearly four months old now, and I am finally beginning to let go of the anxiety I experienced immediately following her birth and the five days afterward. Like many new mothers, I experienced mild postpartum depression, but my anxiety levels were off the charts. The panic attacks were most likely due to lack of sleep and the stress…
Planned Induced Birth turns to Fast Natural Birth {Cholestasis}
I’ve recently had my second daughter – she is now 6.5 months old and after a very traumatic birth with my first daughter, I was terrified of giving birth this time around. But you know what, it was THE most amazing thing I have ever experienced. Ever! I cant really remember the birth of my first daughter, it was a…
The Difference a Doula Makes {A Birth Story}
The day before I went into labor I was checked at the doctors and was not dilated or effaced. Labor looked so far off and I was completely ok with that. I was in no hurry for my daughter to arrive. I knew what unnecessary interventions did with my older daughter and I had no intention of rushing this baby…
A Story of Two Births…A Failed Induction Follwed by a Healing Hospital Birth
Back story – Wyatt’s Birth My first son, Wyatt, was born December 10, 2010, after a pregnancy I was certain had lasted entirely too long. Early on, my doctor changed my due date from November 15th to the 28th, so when December 8th rolled around 10 days later I waddled as fast into that labor and delivery ward for my…
Hospital Birth at 37 weeks, Induction, High Blood Pressure
I had a very easy, wonderful hospital birth experience. I wasn’t feeling well one day and went in to my doctor the day before my scheduled appointment. They took my blood pressure and it was 90/140. He made me lay down for a half hour and drink some water. When he checked again, my bp was 92/145. He checked me…