• What Does a VBAC Look Like?

    ‘K’ sent me her “I Am Not Broken‘ VBAC picture which I shared here. She recently sent in more ‘graphic’ photos to show what a VBAC can really look like. Having birthed three babies vaginally after 2 cesareans myself, I know what an amazing feeling this moment is. A VBAC birth is… Bloody! Squishy! The most amazing experience of your…

  • A Long Hospital VBAC: A Learning Experience

    I just adore this mama. Brianna wanted a VBAC so bad and was willing to work with the hospital to have one. As you read through her birth story, she made choices that felt right at the time, but realized had outcomes she did not like. It’s great she shares this as other women can learn from her experience. I…

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