• Practicing Fearless Motherhood {in Brazil}

    {By Heidi Jo Haughn Palma, Maringá, Brazil.} I would like to share my journey into fearless motherhood. Maringá, Brazil.  Public hospital cesarean rate 86%.  Private hospital cesarean rate 98%. Who would have thought that in this murky maternal healthcare scenario, I would meet a radiant team of home birth professions.  They were relatively young experience wise, but I knew that…

  • Birth Of Elsie {Homebirth Story With Siblings}

    We were just waiting for the Braxton Hicks contractions to turn into the real deal so we could get our daughter here.  Sunday morning was spent with the church family and then the afternoon was spent with Greg’s family celebrating his mom’s 55th birthday. I was feeling pretty good and honestly didn’t feel like I’d see my daughter anytime in…

  • My Belly, My Baby {Self Love}

    This is a picture of my 15 month old and my belly. It has been well over a year, and I have slowly and peacefully accepted that my belly is going to be floppy and riddled with stretch marks for a very long time. She has helped me accept my body.  When she nurses, she often caresses my soft, pillowy…

  • When is Being a Mother Going to Be Enough?

    The short answer is, it always has been.Mothers, we have the hardest and most important job. It’s that simple and true. That job alone is monumental, ever changing, priceless and too great to put in a status update. It’s THAT big. On top of this, we work, serve, sleep little, support our spouses, and take on extra responsibilities. We need to slow…

  • Plan Your Baby Moments {Baby’s First Year}

    I recently posted about this new rad camera Canon sent me. Check it out here. I am an iPhone picture taker, but having this on hand has been a game changer! Canon Canada is releasing a new app to help parents capture sweet memories of baby’s first year! This time is such a flies by so quickly, that it’s easy to forget to do so. I…

  • I Am Strong {Because I Am A Mom}

    I am strong because I got pregnant after being married for only a few months. I was told I would never be able to carry a baby inside my womb and it live. I am strong because I prayed for my child every night. Because I had three previous miscarriages because of my unique issues. I am strong because I stopped…

  • In Pursuit of Perfection

    Let me start this post by saying, “I’m a perfectionist.” Yep. I’m a perfectionist, always have been. And I am about to admit to you that I AM NOT PERFECT. I’m learning to live with it. Society in general is pretty obsessed with perfection. We want perfect bodies, perfect jobs, perfect houses, perfect lives. Messy relationships, screaming kids, stretch marks,…

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