• Motherhood Temper Tantrums

    There are times in motherhood where you will simply lose your shit. I’m completely serious. If you haven’t yet, it is coming. If you have, then you know what I’m talking about. You’re exhausted, pulled in too many directions, and pushed too far. It usually builds up with lack of sleep, always being needed, life stressors, and trying to force…

  • New Addition | Birth Without Fear

    “Your inspiring stories empowered me to have a wonderful birth at home, I just want to share a photo or two with you. Westin was born 11.7.14 @345pm. He weighed 7.2 lbs. and was 20.75 in. Healthy baby boy.  Thank you Birth Without Fear.  May you know the impact you truly have on the empowerment of women.

  • When is Being a Mother Going to Be Enough?

    The short answer is, it always has been.Mothers, we have the hardest and most important job. It’s that simple and true. That job alone is monumental, ever changing, priceless and too great to put in a status update. It’s THAT big. On top of this, we work, serve, sleep little, support our spouses, and take on extra responsibilities. We need to slow…

  • 30 Meal Ideas in a Pinch {Motherhood}

    What does this have to do with pregnancy and birth? Well it doesn’t. At least not directly. Adding in the focus of Motherhood into BWF, why not have a blog post to help a tired pregnant mama or a mother with a needy newborn and toddler? You know those days…the ones that just won’t end! Then you realize it is…

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