• Triplets: Our Birth Story

    {by Brittany Yankowski} Women don’t want vaginal births so they can receive an award, or a trophy, or acknowledgement. Women want vaginal births because their body was made to birth a baby. Or two. Or three. The first thing I said when we learned we were carrying not one, but three babies, was that I didn’t want a c-section. It wasn’t…

  • Triplets Then and Now {I Am Strong}

    Again, this image was stole, altered (our watermarks cut out). Here is the original and wow, what a mom! Here is her story… Meet Kylie Chloe and Cayden. When I was 19 I found out I was pregnant. At that time I was partying and worried about no one but myself and my boyfriend. At 7 weeks pregnant my jeans…

  • Vaginal Hospital Birth of TRIPLETS

    Triplet pregnancies can be absolutely terrifying. You feel so out of control. There are three little lives growing in your belly and you are told by all your doctors and OBs all the risks and all the dangers, you begin to feel like you are made of glass. Please no TTTS, please no preterm labour, please let my babies survive…

  • Women’s Rights to Choose Being Stripped Away

    Here’s the problem with this…it TAKES AWAY WOMEN’S CHOICES. Our right to birth where and how we choose is being stripped away from us…here and now. I have a HUGE problem with this. I actually birthed my first VBA2C baby in AZ, so I am all too familiar with the issue this causes. This leaves women to birth in unfriendly…

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