• Unassisted Birth of a Rainbow Baby

    “These pictures were taken by my hubby literally about 2 or 3 minutes after birth. This is our 5th baby (all girls) and she’s a rainbow baby. We’ve experienced 4 losses over the years, with the last one being just 4 months before we got pregnant with Baby J. My last birth with baby #4 was a traumatic one that…

  • Finally! It’s Over! A Birth Story.

    My plans were to have an unassisted home birth and to not have any prenatal care. But plans don’t always work out. So at 36 weeks pregnant, after eating dinner, I feel water down my legs and freak out completely thinking oh crap my water broke, here I am with no house (living at the in laws between houses) got…

  • An Unintended Unassisted Birth

    My daughter was my second baby, an easy hospital birth after an unnecessary prostaglandin induction at 38 weeks. My first was similarly induced at 29 weeks after we found out that he’d be stillborn. My hospital births weren’t bad or traumatic experiences, but there was something lacking – it wasn’t my space, I didn’t feel in control, certain things happened…

  • Pictures: Footling Breech Baby Born Into Dad’s Hands

    *It is not advised to freebirth a breech baby at home. If you choose to have an unassisted birth, be prepared and have back up plans. Unassisted birth is not for everyone.* I have 5 kids, but these are pictures of Cricket, my 4th natural birth, my 2nd UC.  Enjoy!~Laura *These pictures and this couple’s birth are beautiful and I…

  • Undisturbed Birth is Safe Birth

    I saw this on the Invisible Midwives Facebook page the other day. Simple, probably said before, and true. ‘There are those that will make you believe birth is dangerous, not to be trusted and that your body does not work. That you need interventions, the saving of a Doctor and that you won’t be able to handle the pain. There…

  • Mama Catches Her Own Baby…

    This BIRTH WITHOUT FEAR Mama shared this raw birth picture of her catching her own baby! Yes, that is blood. THIS IS BIRTH! “Hudson was born at home in the water on February 9, 2010 at 11:15 p.m. My husband and two good friends were with me. Our two year old son was tucked in sound asleep. I hired a…

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