• All On My Own: An Accidental, Unassisted Home Birth

    A little background about my previous births: In January of 2011, we welcomed our first born son Earth-side in the water at Family Beginnings Birthing Center (Miami Valley Hospital). I labored overnight at home and arrived at the hospital not long before he was born. Trying to recall from almost five years ago, we got to the room, got in…

  • A Decision to Birth Unassisted

    When I first planned my birth, I wanted an empowered homebirth. With my doula, my midwife, a student midwife, my birth photographer and my husband and children present. I wanted a party! I wanted a shot of jacks after birth to celebrate. (I know kinda crazy but I can dream, can’t I?) That all changed at 36 weeks. My whole…

  • Quick Unassisted Home Birth

    The day before Lucia arrived was such a wonderful and memorable day; I will begin her birth story there. Elsie and I went to a birthday party at the movie theatre that morning, which was much needed. I had been feeling like her and I needed to spend some time together, just the two of us. After the show we…

  • A Story of Patience; 20 Years of Waiting, 44 weeks Gestation, an Unassisted Birth!

    After three horrendous inductions that took three days apiece, I decided that this time it was going to be different, that my son (after five girls and 20 years of trying), as my last child, HAD to have a gentle birth and I NEEDED a positive birth experience. I got researching, spending hours and hours trawling the internet, reading chapters and chapters of…

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