My birth story begins three years ago when at 35 weeks pregnant we discovered, much to our surprise, our baby girl was in a frank breech position. Following a consult with maternal-fetal-medicine (MFM), we ultimately decided against moving forward with an external cephalic version (ECV) and instead opted to wait and see if she would turn on her own. Unfortunately,…
A First Time Mom’s Hospital Birth Without Fear
Before we even started trying for a baby, I was reading birth stories. I’ve always been obsessed with babies and that naturally progressed into an obsession with all things birth. After reading every single birth story that Birth Without Fear had to offer, I came away feeling extremely informed and excited to see how my own birth would play out;…
An Inspired Twin Birth Without Fear
Birth Without Fear inspired me. When I found out in December that I was expecting two babies, I was stunned. How is it possible? My mother had twins… Doesn’t it skip a generation? (Answer: no). After reality set in, we got two infant car seats to squeeze alongside my then 9-month old’s, and traded in the sedan for an SUV.…
I Am Strong {Survival from an abusive relationship}
My name is Caroline, and I am strong, because at 20 I got pregnant with a man whom had physically and mentally abused me for over a year. He had hit me, kicked me and verbally abused me. The pregnancy was obviously unintended, and I didn’t find out until I was 4 months pregnant, because I kept having my period.…
Positive and Powerful Birth, Support Makes the Difference
Sailor is my 4th daughter (Harper is 6, London is 5 and Dempsey is 3) and I can honestly say it was the first pregnancy I was scared of, I used to be the one trying to calm friends fears. This time my fear was real and it consumed me. I’d suffered miscarriages before and a PPH with Dempsey so…
A Story Of Three Births {A Hospital Induction, A Homebirth, And A Birth Centre Waterbirth}
Thank you Suzi, for sharing your three birth stories with us. Your journey is inspirational! – BWF Team Birth #1 I’m ashamed to admit this, but when I started having babies back when I was in my early 20’s, I was completely out of touch with my body. I wasn’t planning to have a baby, I was still young and…
Hospital Water Birth with a {Supportive} OB
I’d like to share a story that includes a birth story. I want to share with you the way that the right doctor can have influence. I will start by saying I didn’t have an OB, I didn’t have a midwife, I choose to use my family medicine general practitioner as my doctor. He was my grandma’s doctor, he is…
Baby Born Outside the Hospital ER Door {Rainbow Baby}
My birth story. Hi Girls….the dust has settled, I’m out of the newborn fog and am so excited to share my birth story with you all. Miss Elliette Mae dramatically entered the world at 10:37PM on 1/3/13. She weighed 8pounds, 8.5 ounces and was 20 inches long. The morning of the 3rd I woke up and had an intense urge…
Fast HypnoBabies Birth {Drug-Free, Pain-Free}
“When I was pregnant with Siriana, I was like most of American society and saying, “I’m getting an epidural! I don’t want to feel anything!”. There’s this girl, Chelsey, that was 4 months ahead of me in her pregnancy and was planning an all natural childbirth; I loved reading her blog. It was so inspirational to me. The day finally…