This story is told and the pictures captured by Lizvette with Lizvette Wreath Photography.
The birth story of baby Jacen brought happy tears to many people. I hope you enjoy it as well and share with the world this very happy ending.
Ashleigh’s mom, Christy, contacted me via email last November. The idea of documenting the birth of Ashleigh’s first baby was extremely important because her husband missed the whole pregnancy and was deployed to Iraq. After a couple false alarms, the due date comes around and no baby yet. They find out that his homecoming was going to be earlier than expected! But there was a little detail; she moved to Fort Polk, Louisiana to be with her mom while he was deployed. His homecoming was going to be at his duty station: Fort Bragg, North Carolina. She couldn’t make it to the homecoming since it was close to her due date. The soon to be daddy, Asbai, couldn’t visit her right away… every soldier that returns home from a deployment has to take reintegration classes before taking leave right away. I think that the baby knew what was going on and decided to keep waiting.
The doctor tells her she will be induced the day after Thanksgiving Day…….BUT guess what?! The morning of Thanksgiving Day, I receive a text around 5:45am from Christy (her mom) telling me Ashleigh’s water broke that morning, that they are at the hospital and she is 4cm dilated. I got everything ready, arrived at the hospital and found out that Asbai’s flight was going to arrive that evening!. Everything was going smooth, everyone was excited and nervous…wondering if he was going to be able to make it to the birth of his baby.
A couple minutes before his plane landed in LA, the nurse was telling Ashleigh that she was fully dilated. Wow. The hospital is one hour away! Asbai was so close, yet so far!! He left his baggage behind and raced to the hospital. He finally reunited with his wife and got to see her belly! Quickly the nurse sat him down since it was time for Ashleigh to start pushing and…
….they welcomed their sweet baby boy, Jacen Troy, shortly after daddy arrived to the hospital!
This story was featured in CNN where they shared my images and interviewed the daddy.
beautiful!! i just cried my eyes out!!
This is the sweetest story ever!! It made my heart swell!!! I am soo happy he made it on time to see his baby being born!!!
Im bawling like a baby while reading and looking at your pictures. My babys father was gone all but the last month of my pregnancy. I was lucky to have him there for that. I cant believe how he got there right when you were at 10cm! Thats such luck. Beautiful story, beautiful baby! Congratulations.
This brought tears to my eyes. The pictures just show how much love is there in the room. Congratulations!
Uh WOW! Can you say instant tears and perfect timing?!
Wow! no words, Just beautiful! Congratulation.
rowan hewitt-baker
Oh wow how beautiful :’))
That was awesome! Maybe there will be a birth story to come? Beautiful, just beautiful!
Tiffany Strong
Oh my gosh – I needed that good happy cry! What a beautiful story of pictures!
What a great story to make my day! Thanks for sharing!
Wow! What awesome timing!
Love, Love, Love!!! Tears in my eyes, wonderful photography – so powerful!! 🙂
What a beautiful story! Gotta love a man in uniform! Mommy and baby are bootyful!
Tears of joy! Daddy looks so proud and excited, and mama looks so content having him there. Gorgeous story. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
awww how amazing!!! So so cool!
Marla Davis
Wow. Amazing! Love this.
Not only do I have goosebumps, but I am just bawling like a baby! This is the best story I have ever read on here!
Shana D
And here come the tears. What a special moment that he was able to make it right before his baby boy was born.
Beautiful, beautiful photos of a family’s love – very moving. But oh, it hurts my heart to see a labouring woman tethered to those expensive beds, giving birth in stirrups! On One Born Every Minute USA we never saw a single mother give birth anywhere other than in one of those space-age beds. Do you have the freedom to get off those beds?
Elizabeth Zeigler
YES instant tears. What a beautiful story.
Y none
Oh my goodness!! That baby looks just like his daddy! How perfect!
Lizvette Wreath
Makes me so happy to read all of these happy comments! Thank you for sharing the story 🙂 I still cry happy tears when I see the images, hehe
This was so incredibly beautiful. I have tears streaming down my face.
This was so beautiful, it made me cry. So glad dad made it home on time!