• The Harshe Podcast – Episode #22: On The Way To The Airport!

    This week’s episode is in the car on the way to the airport! January talks about inventing the Nut Juice Diet and her upcoming juice shenanigans with the TSA, Brandon talks about desert keggers in high school and Shitty Shipper Saturday & Sunday Sale, and January tries to “low key” put words into Brandon’s mouth. Also, they talk January’s crazy travel schedule and Beardbaby’s…

  • Brand New Home Birth Baby Book by My Homegrown Baby

    As many of you know, we have six children. Baby books are adorable and we started one with our first baby. As you may imagine where this is going, we didn’t continue this with our subsequent children. With child number two and three I had major mom guilt. By child four I got over it. They were loved, fed, clothed…

  • Cesarean Without Fear {Beard Baby}

    Many of you know our sweet #beardbaby was born Sunday. This is our sixth baby. Our first two births were cesareans and our following three were VBA2Cs (hospital and home). Most our babies were born between 42 1/2-43 1/2 weeks. I preach constantly to follow our intuition. I did this whole pregnancy, just like I did with my others. I was under…

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