• Amy

    Wonderful stories! Thank you for sharing them. I love to hear encouraging stories about successful hospital births. I live in an area were we have two choices, unassisted or hospital. I have had “perfect” births in the hosptial with a WONDERFUL family doc, and I have had more traumatic births in the hospital as well. I am currently 35wks with #5 and hearing any encouraging hospital births lifts my spirits! Thank you!

  • K

    This is so encouraging to me! I had a C-section with my first and when ever I get preggo with #2 I really, really want to try a VBAC. I hated the recovery from the C and hope to not have to go through that again!

  • Jodie Beddoe

    I am Carissa’s little sister Jodie and because of the above inspirational story and other stories on this blog I am very proud to say that 4 days ago I gave birth natural (no drugs) without fear to my beautiful son Oliver John.

  • Mollie

    I’m running a free childbirth information class at my church and next week we’re going over c-sections: the risks to low-risk moms, good/bad reasons to have one, the procedure itself, etc. A mom who’s had a VBAC is coming as a guest speaker as well as the doula whom she had. Can I have permission to use these stories to share with the women coming to my class?

  • Kimberly

    I hear stories like this and i feel this is exactly the situation i want to be in for my second, third, fourth etc babies. my first was a horrific traumatic and what i feel was abusive birth that ended in c section. i never want that again. but i AM fearful. im scared. i dont have the information i feel i need right now. we are currently trying to conceive and i so want that healing experience. i need support. i need information. i need that healing birth experience.

  • Helen

    Wonderful! HUGE congratulations on both your VBACs. I can totally relate to the “I did it”. I couldn’t stop saying that after mine. Your face in the photo is wonderful; like you can’t quite believe it yet.

    Wonderful stories

  • Lisa Koedyker

    WOW…I just found this blog & read this post. I had our son in July 2010 via C-section. That was not the plan (as it usually is not), but he was in a transverse position…and there was no turning him since my water had broken. When we get pregnant again, I really hope to have a successful VBAC, and this gives me hope. I think my body could have handled it, but the babies position wasn’t allowing me to progress any further. Thanks for the wonderful stories of your births! Congratulations!

  • Helen

    Hi lovely to read of other mums having vbac births.I have seven children, oldest now 27 who was a c-section due to failure to progress after an induction as I had high BP..2nd child now 17 also a section due to failure to progress after an induction…19 months later I had my third child by vbac, I went into labour naturally and delivered three hours after my waters broke..We also have rhesus imcompatibility so my other four boys have been inductions and vbac’s so that the bilirubin levels could be managed without the need for transfusions, though sons 3 and 4 did have them.Prior to my third child I did a lot of research and had the support of a great GP and hospital midwives.Last two, I had an independent midwife and straightforward births.

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