Babies really can come out different ways. My last baby was birthed facing my left thigh. Yes, I birthed him sideways, shoulders and all.
A friend of mine recently gave birth to her sweet baby girl. Not only did she have a successful VBAC in the hospital, but her daughter was birthed with a face presentation (yes, her face was birthed first) weighing 8 lbs 1 oz! This is with a mentum anterior delivery of the chin.
Look at her little tongue between her squishy lips. Inspiring!
Welcome earthside baby girl and way to go Mama!
*Pictures taken by Kali Shanti Park with Mama Matters.
Judi W
I’ve seen 2 face presentations. My first assist was a face , and as primary I transferred my SIL to the hospital where she had an epidural and birthed vaginally. Tough labors YEAh Momma!