Beautiful and Inspiring Pregnancy and Birth Pictures

Despite what some people think (Facebook maybe), I find these pictures beautiful and inspiring. Facebook can’t remove them from my blog, so enjoy!

This is a picture of my friend Kasie that has been turned into a beautiful painting by Kate Hansen! Her work is AMAZING! She is using this picture for her ‘Modonna and Child Project‘. Kasie’s birth pictures get removed from Facebook often (ask do Kate Hansen’s I believe). It won’t be removed from here. It is nothing but beautiful.

Kate Hansen Home Birth

This next photograph was taken by Lynsey Stone with Lynsey Stone Photography

You can read the mama’s birth story here.

Photograph by Kali Shanti Park with Mama Matters

Face presentation VBAC!

This one is more graphic, but amazing nonetheless.

This is BWF Mama Grace MacMillan at 36 weeks 3 days pregnant.

Her husband is a photographer and took this stunning photo.

Let us not forget my Facebook profile picture that was removed.

Very offensive indeed.

This is one of my favorites. Many of us finally changed our profile pictures to this beautiful statue at the same time.

It was removed countless times, but we stood strong.

We are strong. We are beautiful. We are inspiring. We are empowered.


  • Tawney

    I delivered all three of my babies at home and on a birthing stool, I wish I had someone like you there to document those moments….there is NOTHING like them in the world.

  • michele

    being born again, i have developed a more … conservative… viewpoint on matters than i used to, however i think these pictures are beautiful. i probobly would not display them in my livingroom, but a website where presumably adults are is perfectly reasonable. after all i CAN close my eyes if i need to.

  • Jasmine

    I love them, I’m only 21 so most women don’t relate to my parenting views or the way I plan on birthing my next child (in the far future). So seeing people like you all makes me happy 🙂

  • Nicolle

    OMGoddess I love all of these so much! So beautiful, bold and brave!

    Has anyone also seen the over-the-top gorgeous work of Amanda Greavette?

    As a filmmaker, I see women and birth as art. I’m all about making images of birthing women visible and public. Check out my current project, “At Home in Maine” about homebirth and midwifery care:

    Not just for Mainers! But for anyone who wants a picture of normal, natural, vaginal birth…


  • Elisabeth

    Beautiful photos! Birth is amazing and powerful and our culture needs to see this more, FB is doing a disservice to our society by lumping these photos in with truly offensive pornographic, masogynistic, and gratuitously sexual photos they have to remove all the time.

  • Satania

    In one of my son’s birth photos, I have the EXACT same expression as the lady in the painting! I wonder if we all have that look. That exhausted, but amazed by the miracle of birth one!

  • Lea

    What a wonderful collection of pictures! Childbirth is amazing! I unfortunately was unable to deliver vaginally but I tried so hard! I feel very robbed of the experience of feeling my child come out of me and being the first one to touch him. These pics show exactly how I had pictured my child being born. How lucky these women are! Too many women in our society are missing out in this experience due to lack of education, it is so sad.

  • Mrs. Petey

    I can see why Facebook deleted them. Nudity of any kind is simply against policy. It would be hard for them to start making exceptions, it would result in lawsuits. My personal opinion is that child birth is absolutely beautiful, but then again, so is the wedding night between husband and wife. Just because it is beautiful, doesn’t mean it needs to be captured on film. I pass no judgment over women who want to photograph or video tape the experience. I am a Christian and I believe I will be held responsible for my thoughts and actions, so I refuse to judge other people, especially mothers, on how THEY do things. But as for me, I find that childbirth should be a beautifully private moment, just like sex.

  • Kay

    Honestly, at first I didn’t see what the Face Presentation really was. I couldn’t tell. I had to tilt my head to the side, then laughed at myself when I saw the mouth, nose, and eyes of a beautiful baby. Beautiful indeed. Love them all. Wish I could of taken pictures like this with both my babies.

  • Amanda Jackson

    all beautiful pictures. as for Mrs. petey please go read the Facebook policies because no all nudity is not against policy. they even have a special section in their policy regarding breastfeeding and a section about art (the statue) and the photos that are repeatedly removed from Facebook do not cross the line according to their own policy. please familiarize yourself with the things you speak of before telling others they are doing wrong.

  • Linda

    These are all beautiful photos. I don’t understand why anyone would find them offensive. Birth is a necessary part of life. Why should anyone be afraid or disgusted by it? Glad there are so many strong women everywhere.

  • Honorata

    the second one is my favourite of all time. so much energy. it’s really nice to read birth story behind it. he was in posterior position, right?

  • Chandra Cotter

    ….this is not nudity for the sake of arousal. This is childbirth. Natural, beautiful, important for people to see so they are not scared into having unnecessary C-sections. Shame on anyone who removes such important pics.

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