Dawn shared this photo on Facebook in color and in black and white. Facebook keeps removing it. It’s is amazing! Look at baby’s little hands reaching up as if to say, ‘Here I am Mommy’!
For those who are complaining about the coloring, here it is in black and white. Facebook also removed it like this! I love how ‘raw’ the color picture is and how precious the black and white is. It’s just an amazing birth picture all around!
Love it! Beautiful!
So wonderful!!! I hate that facebook keeps deleting it. Bastards
Katrina @ Hix in the Stix ~ Army Edition
WOW!!! That is awesome. I love both pictures. That baby looks ready to embrace the world. I also had a water birth and loved it!!!
What is so wrong with the color pic. It is amazing and beautiful!!
This is so cool!!!!!!!
BEAUTIFUL!!!! I am so tired of such beauty being sensored. As far as I am concerned this is a picture of Spirit, God, or whatever you call it. This is a miracle, this is the gift we are given.
Well, our boobs, vaginas, and penises were all gifts given from God. But the culture we live in does not allow us to walk around naked. I understand that birth is an INCREDIBLE, BEAUTIFUL thing. But I think, just like with our naked bodies, it’s meant to be kept private. You can enjoy the beauty with your family. Not being able to share it with the world doesn’t make it less beautiful.
21st Century Thinking
“I think, just like with our naked bodies, it’s meant to be kept private. “… & because YOU *think* this…. & because we are still stuck with the culture imposed upon us by the puritans about our naked bodies…. the rest of us have to keep private something so beautiful… like it’s a dirty little secret?…. Oh please!
It’s only by confronting such prudish attitudes that we’ll ever b rid of them… or else we might as well subscribe to the idea that even eyes… or ankles… can be provocative & all start wearing veils & full length skirts! tsk!
Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. I was in congestive heart failure when my child had to be taken by emergency c-section 6 weeks early (this was 17 years ago), and I’ve been mourning the loss of this experience ever since. Because of my health I was advised not to have any more children, and I feel blessed that we both survived, but I do regret not being able to have gone through labor at all. So thank you, from me, for allowing me to share in these experiences vicariously.
I love the picture! It’s beautiful and amazing.
gorgeous! next one is gonna be a water birth for me!
I don’t think it’s wrong for Facebook to remove that. As beautiful as it is, it’s still nudity. A friend of mine posted pictures of her breastfeeding and they were removed as well. You have to remember that nudity is still nudity, no matter the context. Those pictures could make others very uncomfortable. It’s the same with breastfeeding in public. People argue that women should be allowed to whip it out in public, but how does having milk in the breast change the fact that it’s still an exposed breast? Why should nudity be allowed when a woman is pregnant but not when she isn’t?
“People argue that women should be allowed to whip it out in public, but how does having milk in the breast change the fact that it’s still an exposed breast?”
You are missing the point entirely. The fact that we can produce milk in our breasts is the sole reason why we SHOULD be able to “whip it out,” as you so eloquently phrased it. Feeding, nourishing, and soothing my child is my FIRST priority, rather than trying to ensure everyone that possible glances my direction is comfortable.
I don’t know if you realize this or not but breastfeeding is completely legal to do in public. Breasts were made to nourish our children not please our husbands. Would you tell a woman to stop nursing in public? Would you tell a mom feeding formula to do it in the bathroom?
The problem, Michelle, is that in both examples there are rules/laws to protect such practices. Facebook’s bylaws allow for photos like the ones above because no genitalia are shown. The only reason they are being censored is because someone decides to report it. It is easier to remove the photo than to investigate whether it is allowable. I could choose to report someone’s birthday or holiday photo if I were having a particularly ornery day and it would produce the same result, despite the fact that your family photo is probably rated G. As for your NIP example, almost everywhere in the US, nursing is specifically exempted from public indecency laws regardless of whether mom covers up. I wish that people IRL and online would simply learn to look away when they don’t like what they see. Just. Move. On. Please and thank you!
mary lanser
Why are they removing the photo? There is absolutely nothing showing and it’s quite an amazing moment that was captured. How crazy!
This is absolutely amazing!
It amazes me how people complain about how boobs, vaginas and naked babies are naked (or something to that effect) but yet they subscribe to and post on a blog where you WILL see those images. If you (general you, not anyone in particular) are that easily offended….then why the heck are you here!?
I just don’t understand it.