One of the best ways I informed myself of all possibilities in birth (while I was pregnant) was to read any birth story I could find. I did not only ready happy, perfect stories. I read them all. Why? To learn from them! To Birth Without Fear means to be informed and prepared! Hospital, home birth, birth center, unassisted, home birth transfers, VBAC’s, twins, cesarean, etc. You can be inspired and learn from them all.
Birth photography. It is amazing. Sharing photographs of women in labor and birth is another way to ‘normalize‘ birth in our country(ies). Pictures that capture such special moments touch us all and give us just that brief moment of understanding.
BWF is going to be your birth story and birth picture ‘go to’ site. We already have many to read and enjoy (and learn from). I am dedicating time specifically to sharing new birth stories on the blog for you to read and share!
If you have already sent in a birth story, please be patient as I will get to them as time will allow. If you would like to share your birth story with our BWF Community, you can email it edited and ready to go at birthwithoutfear@gmail.com and attach your pictures as well. Please make sure your story is spell checked and ready to go! Also, if your pictures need to be edited to a smaller size, please do so.
If you would simply like to share a photo (maternity, labor, birth, breastfeeding, cosleeping, etc) email it to the about email address.
I look forward to reading your stories and sharing them with the world. Women learning from women…the way it should be.