Birth Images from a Hospital Water Birth June 27, 2012 “I had a hospital water birth. The second pic (with baby) was taken 22 minutes after the first (after a 14 hr labour). Birth is not all bad!” ~Laura This birth was at LGI Hospital in Leeds, UK. Recommended ReadingDiamniotic/Monochorionic Twins {I am Strong}Mothers and Our Families: Never Perfect, But Always GreatEmpowering Affirmations for BirthA Story of Patience; 20 Years of Waiting, 44 weeks Gestation, an Unassisted Birth!Beautiful Breastfeeding while Pregnant MomentPure Delight…VBAC Mom and BabyNew Addition | Birth Without FearBreastfeeding Premature BabiesI Did It! {HBAC}The Harshe Podcast – Episode #25: Doulas and Seahorses
One Comment
Lovely pics
I thought the midwives there were wonderful!