These beautiful images and words were sent in by Carissa with Carissa Pierce Photography.
“Having lost my dad before I was married and had children this birth picture I took yesterday is super special. Papa and grand-daughter. Evokes so much emotion….look at the eye contact, the flowing beard, the obvious size difference. This picture alone would be worth millions to me. The babies mother also lost her mother several months earlier. Birth photography is so very important and beautiful.”
“This mama texted me when I was an hour away that she was complete! Since I have worked with these nurses before, they knew I was coming and waited a while to call the doctor. Without an epidural, I would have not made it!”
“As a birth photographer I support all women and births, even though choices are made sometimes that I may not agree with. I am there to capture their moment, the moment of new life in all it’s raw beauty. I have photographed home births, birthcenter births and hospital births. I just love everything about pregnancy and birth and am in awe every single time I am blessed to be present at such and intimate moment. And the payoff…giving these parents these priceless pictures…amazing!”
One Comment
Just amazing images! I love how you included your emails to mom as well!