“My first birth was 4.5 years ago with a mainstream doc. She stripped my membranes at 39 weeks without asking me, due to a “big baby” (9 lbs, 7 oz, 22.5 inches). My water broke the next day with no dilation or effacement, so I went to the hospital and walked, had Cervadil, Pitocin, and had 2 epidurals (1st one didn’t work fully). I made it to 8 cm, but baby didn’t move down and waters had been broken for 29 hours. I had fever, baby’s heart rate elevated and so they did a c-section. This was so far from what I wanted (an unmedicated vaginal birth) that I was very upset for months afterwards.
So for my 2nd baby, born 7 months ago, we changed to a more natural practice which supports VBACs. We also took Bradley classes and hired a doula. I labored for 20 hours at home and didn’t go to the hospital until farther on in labor (8 cm!), labored through transition for 3 hours, pushed for 55 minutes, and out came this “big baby” at 9 lbs, 4 oz, 23 inches at 40 weeks, 3 days. I was so happy to get my VBAC…see pic!
I love it! Congrats to a birth worrior, rockstar Mama and her family!
Yay Momma!!!!!!!
Theresa Kaualoku
i completely agree… our stories are much alike except my c section was the second baby and the third was vbac. i also was VERY depressed and disspointed in my body for letting me down… i cried through the whole c-section. i was so happy that the third one was un assisted and unmedicated…
Good for you!