This is Mallie, a woman who truly birthed without fear.
She moved up from Florida to North Carolina in order to give birth the way she thought best, safely in a friends’ home, naturally with plenty of love and support surrounding her. Both of Mallie’s twins were born breech after a very quick labor. The birth was attended by a doctor, a midwife, a midwife’s assistant, a midwife in training, a doula and me (birth photographer).

Scarlett Grace and Phoebe Anne weighed in at 7 lbs 1 oz and 7 lbs 4 oz.
Svea Boyda-Vikander
Oh my goodness. This mama has the most beautiful labouring belly! So happy she had the birth she wanted.
What a beautiful family!! Good job, mama! 🙂
That is amazing and what fantastic birth weights! I love these photographs.
2 boys & now 2 girls! What a blessing! Congratulations!
Amazing!!! Love these pictures, they tell a thousand words. And those babies are divine 🙂
What serene trust in birth! Wow! I love this! What a sweet and beautiful way to welcome two sweet girls into the world. Gorgeous photography too. And I love their names! Everything to love. 🙂
Not to mention, NOT birthing twins on an operating table as is the norm these days (one way or another).
Lovely 🙂 a brave woman 🙂
Looks like two sets of twins 🙂
just me
the boys are not twins- just 2 more of her and her husband’s beautiful babies!
Crystal Hewett-Smith
Fantastic!!! So encouraging to see people birthing without fear, trusting their bodies to do what they were created to do with the help, care and guidance of a trained team and loving family. Another inspiring story! Thank you
The big brothers were 2 and 4 at the time of their sisters’ birth! <3
Congratulations! How wonderful. Beautiful pictures. So thankful to see a team working together to support you and your family for a safe and peaceful birth. What a gorgeous family that final picture brought a tear of joy to my eye. All the best to you and your family.
Kong Choon Yen
This is amazing twin breech birth. Mom and Dada are definitely know their stuff. Truly inspiring and good job to the support team and photographer too. The pictures captured those precious moment. Thank you!
amazig photos, what a beautiful family. I would love to read birthstory 🙂
Fantastic pictures, fantastic story! Congratulations to this truly inspiring, strong, confident Mom and her wonderful family!!
mallie shirk
Thank you all for the amazingly wonderful and uplifting response. If you want to hear more details listen here: http://maternallyyoursradio.podomatic.com/entry/2013-03-05T17_58_06-08_00
Hi! What a wonderful empowering experience!!! I am in NC and just found out I’m having identical twins! What Dr attended your birth?? This will be my third delivery and the first two were amazing vaginal birth and want this one to be too!
What a beautiful family <3 you are AMAZING
You are an AMAZING warrior momma! I birthed ONE breech and had to travel from VA to TN to do so. You birthed TWO! Warrior! Respect and love from momma of half a dozen PLUS one breech-ling.
truly amazing!
I am planning a water birth within a month, and you gave me the strength not to fear!!
Liebling nicht jetzt
These pictures are awesome. Mallie, what a strong and beautiful woman you are! Congratulations! I had tears in my eyes. I’m so impressed that you had a natural birth with your twins and not a c-section. Did the heads of the babies come first? It doesn’t really look like that on the pictures, but I couldn’t imagine it would work any other way . . . Anyway, well done!
Mama Bice
The babies were both breech – meaning they came out “bum” first. 🙂
Liebling nicht jetzt
Really? Well, of course. Now I see it’s even mentioned in the title. I thought about it when I saw the pictures, but couldn’t really believe it. I guess that would be impossible in Germany (where I live), even with only one baby. They would always send you to a hospital for a c-section and especially with twins. Wow!
Just to mention: no, not impossible in Germany but also very difficult to find someone encouraging you to Do so….and with just one in breech it is more easy to find a doctor suppprting you. BUT officially it is Not allowed to birth a baby at home from breech position. Nor are twins – no matter which Position they are in…
peggy vincent
Unbelievably amazing. I applaud her faith and courage.
Beautiful!!! My twin boys were born breech at home 3 1/2 years ago. It was a wonderful, empowering experience. Congrats!!
Kat Barron
Awesome and so, so beautiful!! What a strong momma, finding a place where she could have the birth she wanted!
Cassandra Woollett
What beautiful photos. Fantastic story. Wonderful family.
Lana Shlafer
I am so glad that this mama had this sacred, amazing birth that she wanted and envisioned. Especially because I know what it takes to give birth to twins at home – a lot of trust and alignment with your desire! Anything is possible!
dawn polley
That was so amazing
Nicole Morin
I am so touched by the love,calm and harmony i can feel in those picture. The babies are so quiet soon after delivery.
I would like to be able to follow the growth of children being born this way . Does that peace and warmth during labor and delivery have an effect on the child’s evolution, compare to a delivery on a hospital maternity room from a mother lying flat on a table in room full of light and noise.
This warms my heart!
Amazing! Congratulations to all of you and lots of love,
So so lovely!! Thanks for sharing.
Hi there, I was so inspired by this story! I am having twins and live in the state of Florida. I am looking for the closest place/state that I can have a true water birth within a birthing center or if need be, a hospital. I feel as though I am on a wild goose chase with the research.
I appreciate any and all feedback on states/locations.
Thank you!!!
check out See Baby Midwifery & Dr. Brad Bootstaylor in Atlanta. I moved temp. from Orlando to Atlanta to birth my twin boys last Jan. I’m pretty sure the hospital they moved to allows for water birth with twins. <3
This is amazing I’d never be able to be that strong
A real privilege to see your pictures. Well done Mallie, and well done to husband/partner (who definitely is a hero). A lesson to all involved in birthing babies, the team who attended all deserve recognition for supporting mother’s choice. <3
How many weeks pregnant were you with the twins when you went in to labor? Hospitals always try to deliver twins sooo early bc they say it’s dangerous to wait too long but back in the day women had twins at full term all the time. I want to have an at home water birth and I have dreams about having twins & my oldest son was a twin but I miscarried his twin at five months pregnant. I don’t want to be scared in to having a hospital birth with twins bc they say it isn’t safe to wait any longer. This story gave me so much courage and reassurance ! But I am very interested in how many weeks this beautiful mother was when she had them! Thanks for your time! Can’t wait to read your response !
I believe she was ~38 weeks
This is my last pregnancy I’ve had 3 singles and now I’m having twins I want a natural vaginal birth but in MN they make you do it in a hospital operating room I’m not happy about it and don’t want to have a C-section but they are trying to push me into it this is my body and my pregnancy why can’t they just support you and help you deliver your own way.