These are my sweet identical boys snuggling in their Moses basket just after coming home from the hospital. Hearing specialists tell you at every appointment what a ticking time bomb you are, and that something could go wrong any day is tough. We were confident in the birth process and I trusted my body, even after one specialist told me my babies would just start to die if I didn’t deliver by 37 weeks.
My husband and I trusted our instincts and let the babies cook as long as possible. With the help of a supportive care provider, and my amazing husband, I had the birth I wanted and delivered them completely unmedicated at 39 weeks! I know it was all possible thanks to the education I gave myself and the confidence I had in the birth process. Have no fear! {Madaline}
Madaline hill
Thank you so much for sharing! I am actually about to get my DONA certification, and the thing that has been most helpful to me as a doula is drawing on my own experience with labor. Sharing our positive experiences is so important!!
That is sooo cute how they hold hands while nursing!! 😀 awww
Melissa Jensen
Aww, that pic of them holding hands while nursing just melts my heart! <3
Dhyana Heller
What is a specialist if not someone who specializes in something? I don’t think it means they have lots of first hand experience or perhaps they specialize in cases where pregnancy and birth outcomes are not looking good so it’s difficult for them to “see” the variations of normal. How hard it is for us pregnant women to be as vulnerable as we are during pregnancy and birth and stick to the knowledge we have and trust our amazing, AMAZING birth giving bodies with all the naysayers predictions…Great jobs all you mamas who “know”……
Can’t thank you enough for sharing! I found out at 8 weeks we are having twins, a huge shocker, and we’re now at twelve weeks. Although I had been planning an unmedicated homebirth to begin with, and feel I am very educated in the areas if pregnancy and birth and my own body, having my first appt with my ‘old’ midwife who helped me birth my firstborn in a hospital, the ob and nurses in the practice all but scared us into completely changing everything about our original plan. I left feeling like I would be for sure having premature babies and continuing down the planned route would be irresponsible on our part and was immediately termed high risk (even though I had an uncomplicated first preg and birth, I was currently healthy, and the babies were completely on track). It took me a couple days to come out of my shock and get my bearings, and then I remembered all I KNOW and have read and seen, and remembered that I still have instincts…and I felt God was asking me to really listen to them. We have our first appt with our homebirth midwife next week and have the support of my ‘old’ midwife. Stories like yours are even MORE important to me now, and I can’t thank you enough! Good luck and God’s blessings on you and your precious family.
Thanks! I found out I was having twins at 15 weeks and thought I would have to change my birth plan too, but you’re right, God gave you a body that created these babies, and that will deliver these babies. It’s ok to take precautions and be monitored through your pregnancy, but the natural plan you have is the best plan! You will do amazing!