I am strong because my husband and I did not expect to have a baby this young (I was 22 and he was 20). We were not ready finically, but we made it work.
I am strong because I got Medicaid at nearly 6 months and was assigned an OB who did not support my decision for natural birth. I am strong because I knew that my baby would be “big” (she was only 8lbs when she came earthside) and knew that my OB would push hard for a section.
I am strong because I researched and prepared myself mentally to fight for my birth plan and a natural birth without any intervention. I am strong because my husband scheduled an induction date for 41 weeks exactly because he believed the OB that our baby’s life was “threatened” because the sono estimated her to be about 12 lbs and well over 21″ long (she wasn’t). I am strong because after we got home (I didn’t want to fight at the OBs office) we talked it over, asked him to trust my body like I did, and we cancelled the induction that day.
I am strong because at 41 wks and 1 day (as if to say I told you so…), I went into labor, and labored at home for about 10 hrs before going into the hospital.
I am strong because I labored for 30 hrs and pushed for 3 and brought a beautiful 8lbs 7 oz baby girl into this world.
I am strong because at 9 cm dialated, I got an epidural because my blood pressure started to rise drastically and my baby was put under alot of stress, so in order for her to have a calm birth, I asked (more like yelled) for an epidural.
I am strong because I continue to try to breastfeed, even with inverted nipples that will not pull out, no matter the methods I use to pull them out. I am strong because I pump every few hrs so my girly girl has the best I can offer her.
I am strong because I had to get a job when she was only a couple months old and work during the day while my husband works at night. I am strong because I now am going to become a doula and raise awareness among women so that they become educated on childbirth and even if you have state insurance, you can STILL get a midwife/doula.
I am strong because I will NEVER give up!
What a wonderful story and yes, you are very strong. Go momma!!
PS – you’re little girl is beautiful 🙂
You’re awesome! You are strong. And being a doula is awesome, raising awareness is my main goal but it’s difficult when all of these “medically influenced” people are voicing their opinions. Stay strong!! We can make a change!!!!
Way to go Momma! My husband and I had our first when we were 22 and 23 and it was the best thing that could have happened even though it was hard! Sounds like you are strong and doing great!
melanie willis
seriously wonderful story u rock !!