I am strong!
I am strong because I got pregnant right after getting married.
I am strong because with my first child I was put on bed rest at 17 weeks because of pre-term labor.
I am strong because despite going into preterm labor at 17 weeks I gave birth at 41 weeks.
I am strong because I was in labor with my first daughter for 6 hours and pushed for 5 min.
I am strong because I breast fed her until she wouldn’t breast feed anymore.
I am strong because despite being on bed rest with the previous daughter I got pregnant again 2 years later.
I am strong because I delivered my 2nd beautiful baby girl at 39 weeks.
I am strong because after I brought our new baby home I knew something wasn’t right.
I am strong because I would stay up night after night with our baby watching her sleep praying I wouldn’t wake up and her not be breathing.
I am strong because I took her to the doctor every day for 3 weeks demanding they listen to me.
I am strong because I didn’t listen to that dumb doctor and took her to another doctor.
I am strong because after the 3rd blue spell we drove our baby 3 hrs away to a pediatric hospital.
I am strong because I saved my babies life by making that decision.
I am strong because I said yes to the biggest decision I had ever had to make. To putting in a trach on my 4 week old baby.
I am strong because while my baby was in coma for 2 weeks I would sit by her bed talking and singing to her everyday!
I am strong because when I no longer could produce breast milk for my special needs newborn I turned to my friends for breast milk.
I am strong because I learned how to care for the trach, change the trach, place Ng tube, and replace her G-tube.
I am strong because the 3 months we where in the hospital I never spent a day away from my daughter.
I am strong because I make the decision when it comes to my daughter… Not the doctors.
I am strong because for 15 + months we have had nurses in out house for 18 hrs a day.
I am strong because not a day went by that I wasn’t so thankful for everything we had gone thru.
I am strong because I was the proudest mother of a beautiful trach baby!
I am strong because I embraced the life that we had!
I am strong because my daughter at 17 months pulled her trach out while we where sleeping and her stoma closed.
I am strong because I kept my cool and made the decision to fight to be trach less.
I am strong because my 18 month old daughter is now trach less!!
I am strong because I have an awesome, loving, God-fearing husband that has been there every step of the way. Emotional and physically.
I am strong because with every step I take in life I rely on God to take care of me and my family!
I am strong because I make the decision every morning when I wake up that this is my life, and no matter what it throws at me I will make the best of it!!
I am strong because I am a proud momma of 2 of the most beautiful girls!!
{A story from Holly & Matt}
ashley Friesen
When I read ‘I am strong by Ariana-Birth without fear- I wrote my own because it gave me the strength I needed to carry on.
and now with the harder complications the special needs baby hits home way harder.. Thank you for sharing your story and reminding me that the doctors don’t know everything.
Very lovely…u made me live your experience and yes you are strong!