I am strong because the day I unexpectedly found out I was pregnant I dropped all of my anxiety medicine cold turkey, even though the doctor was against it.
I am strong because I started pouring blood at 18 weeks and thought I lost my baby.
I am strong because I was sent to a high risk doctor and told they were unsure what was causing the bleeding but I was put on bed rest.
I am strong because I juggled my 5 year old, my family, and a few small anxiety attacks, but still refused medication.
I am strong because I was told since I kept bleeding and they thought my baby wasn’t getting enough nutrients that her chance of being a preemie was very high.
I am strong because at 39 weeks I was sent to the hospital to be induced because of my extremely high blood pressure.
I am strong because I became very ill during labor.
I am strong because at the age of 22 my blood pressure was through the roof and my heart rate had become so high that it was borderline on going into a heart attack.
I am strong because regardless of them wanting to do an emergency c section, I pushed out a beautiful baby girl named Henley Grace.
I am strong because as much as I wanted to breast feed I knew being on my medication was important for my health.
I am strong because I refused to allow the doctors to tell me it was okay for my child to get some of my medication through my milk.
I am strong because I choose to be the best me for my girls.
Henley Grace is strong because despite what we were told about the bleeding and the nutrients she was 8lb 13oz and 21in long.
We are strong because we have each other.
Jennifer Olsen
Exactly the size of my son. Good job momma. We always know what is best!
I am strong because I traveled 4000 miles to meet my husband .Felt in love with him more than once in this 10 years.
I am strong because I left all that I knew to build a family in another country in the name of love
I am strong because I survived unharmed criticism and ironies from those who said were my friends when they heard of my decision( they did not know I had finished my previous engagement because I discovered he was interested in the same gender of his….I could not say and even got blamed for losing such a great piece of man…)
I am strong because I faced plain a new World and language with no assurance of success just based on my GUT and instant.And I succeed
Iam strong because had my first child at 40 weeks after three days losing water agains the odds of a big baby I endured and succeed 9 lb baby not less and a complete natural delivery in the hands of my husband ( the midwife could not cash him in time….jjjj)
I am strong because I overcome post partum depression 2 years between tears and good moments with out medicines .I was breastfeeding and did not want to expose the baby so I endured and got treated 2 years later
I am strong because after been told I would not bear again during fertility treatment unless I gone into FIV I got pregnant again naturally 6 years after my first baby
I am strong because after 2 month pregnant our family moved out to another country and I just could have proper prenatal care after 6 month pregnant at 40 yo
I am strong because I survived and endure my OB hostility and bullying because of my age and because I did not agreed on a c section at 37 weeks for suspected isolated borderline oligohidramnios
I am strong because I left that OB and went on a crusade on my on seeking another care taker and could not find one .So I was along in the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy at 40 yo
I am strong because I decided to go on even without any help ,praying to GOD nothing happen to me or my unborn child
I am strong because at 42 weeks I delivered naturally my second boy with also 9 lb and three amazing lace of umbilical cord around his neck
I am strong because I developed again post partun depression and here I am enduring again at 6 month pos partum nursing my little bundle and waiting for better winds to come….