A short and sweet story of a teenage mother, or just a mother, this is Jada’s story:
I am strong because I found out I was pregnant at 17, two months into a relationship, and decided then to keep the baby.
I am strong because I decided to end the relationship, because I wasn’t happy anymore.
I am strong because during my pregnancy, I went through the worst depression in my life a month before my son was born.
I am strong because I had my mother and my aunt in the birthing center room to support me while I went through with my natural birth, which showed me just how strong I was.
I am strong because I pushed for an hour (which felt like only five minutes) and gave birth to a 8 lb. 8 oz. healthy boy and picked the name of my son when I met him for the first time.
I am strong because despite the criticism on bed-sharing, I am proud to say I have slept beside my son every night since he was born, and have no plan to stop.
I am strong because I overcame my fear of breastfeeding in public despite my overwhelming social anxiety, and plan on weaning when he is ready.
I am strong because I suffer from postpartum depression and am raising my son, alone, the way I feel is right for the both of us.
I am strong because I am going through with getting my high school diploma so my son and I can have a good future.
I am strong because now, at 19 years of age, I am where I want to be and have great plans that I see myself accomplishing in the future.
So proud of you!
Elise Washington
I can relate! God bless you! I was a teen mom too or just a mom at 15 years old! You are doing what’s best for your son and you will succeed! I support you and salute you and most definitely Respect you!
You are beautiful, Mama, and your son is very lucky to have you. Many blessings for you and him in the future!
Kiya Hill
i was in a similar situation, i was only 18 when i got pregnant, we had only been together a short time. he was abusive in many ways and im now raising my son alone. I work 2 jobs and im going to college. I also have extreme anxiety and am in the process of being diagnosed with M.S. i love reading stories like hers because they make me realize im not alone and i can do anything i set my mind to.
Susan Courtney
Congratulations Heather on your amazing accomplishments to date. You are a fabulous role model for that lucky little boy and I am sure your incredible strength will stand you both in great stead during your life journeys.
Love this. My journey into motherhood began at age 18 and I’m so proud of where I stand now as well!
Beautiful! Good luck to both of you! <3
I would love to donate a little money to help her along. Can you have her email me?
This is beautiful. Carry on strong mama. Your son is lucky to have you.