Of all the things that I prepared for postpartum, I forgot a nursing pillow. Oops!
So, I recently tried the One Z Pillow (they make the Twin Z Pillow), and absolutely fell in love with it! Not only is a great/sturdy support for breastfeeding, but it gives back support for the mom to do so ergonomically. It is so comfortable!
I’ve had many types of nursing pillows, having pumped for and breastfed six babies now, and this is the only one I’ve used that gives ME support so that I can comfortably sit back and nurse without hurting my back.
I am now addicted to this pillow and keep it in my postpartum space that I still hideaway in sometimes.
I asked them if they would give a few to our mamas and they generously said yes! See our Instagram (@birthwithoutfear) to enter!