The Role of Marijuana During Pregnancy

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Marijuana. Cannabis. Weed. Pot. Whatever name you refer to it by (there are dozens more), legalized marijuana is a very prominent topic in our nation.

Currently there are four states where you can legally buy weed if you’re 21, with California joining the mix in 2018. You can legally possess and smoke weed in eight states and Washington, DC. 29 states have legalized medical marijuana.

Chances are in the next 5-10 years or less that medical marijuana will be legal in all 50 states, at the very least.

So what role does marijuana have, if any, during pregnancy?

Currently, over three percent of women admit to using marijuana during pregnancy according to a 2015 government survey. The number is more than likely higher than that.

According to a woman going by the name of “Jane” in a recent article on the nausea during her pregnancy was too much to bear.

“I would just eat a few almonds here and there, That was the only thing that I could keep down, almonds and seltzer water. And as soon as I vaped the cannabis, instantly I was hungry and was able to hold down entire meals, and it was great.”

The story goes on to quote Emily Earlenbaugh, Ph.D., a medical marijuana card holder herself for chronic pain issues and a cannabis consultant.

“I think using cannabis during pregnancy is a growing trend right now. It’s important to look at the medical research and see is this a safe option relative to other medications that you might use in place of it or relative to using nothing at all.”

Safety has always been the reason of opposition for legalization of marijuana, with opponents often claiming weed is the gateway drug to harsher substances such as meth, cocaine, heroine, and more. A recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association admits there is little research on the subject of marijuana and pregnancy, but there is cause for concern. It links anemia and low birth weight to marijuana use and says there is a higher chance for infants to be placed in the NICU.

Dr. Earlenbaugh says there is more to the story.

“If you’re already using tobacco, alcohol during pregnancy, you’re more likely to also be using cannabis, and we really can’t say whether those patients who are reporting cannabis use are not taking other substances at the same time.”

What are your thoughts? Is cannabis something to be considered during pregnancy? Would you consider it? Have you considered it or used it during pregnancy? Let us know in the comments below!


    • Cat

      Thank you! This is literally the ONLY study done on woman who are exclusively using marijuana. No other studies ask or take into account that the mothers are usually using other substances as well.

  • Jess

    I have used cannabis during pregnancy and its been a life saver. If i would not have . i would have lost a ton of weight and not been able to nourish my tiny baby. I think there should be more research into the topic but i do not think there are many birth defects. My first child i smoke cannibis and cigs and had a healthy baby. This pregnancy i have only smoke cannabis and waiting to see if there is any bad defects.

  • Robin

    All studies done in the US often include women using alcohol and tobacco as well as marijuana. That does not give accurate information about the effects on the baby at all. I would never use excessive alcohol or even stand near a person smoking a cigarette while pregnant, but I did use marijuana and I agree it was s life saver. My anxiety was through the roof and it leveled me out and helped me create a more peaceful and positive place for my baby to grow in. Both babies were over 8lbs and very healthy. In fact, being the king herb, marijuana has unrivaled immune boosting properties. Both of my kids have rockstar immune systems. Let the stereotypes go. Marijuana is not just about getting high – it’s an amazing, healing herb provided by our Mother Earth to nourish and heal us.

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