Tree of Life, Vernix, and a Bubble of Support June 20, 2017 In case you missed Birth Without Fear on Instagram this past week… Sweet squishy babe. Oh those lips and little fingers and vernix. The most amazing gift you’ll ever hold. :@ashleymarstonphotography #skintoskin #justborn #birthwithoutfear #optionssupportrespect A post shared by birthwithoutfear (@birthwithoutfear) on Jun 12, 2017 at 9:08pm PDT Tree of Life. The placenta is sacred in many cultures. Instead of discarding them, some families choose to honor them by planting them under or next to a tree that will be the family tree. Continuing its cycle now being the substrate for other life. Words and image by @marcinhakohatsu. _ Arvore da Vida! A placenta em muitas culturas ela é reverenciada, tida com a arvore da vida! Atualmente as famílias ao invés de descartá-las tem optado por honrá-las plantando junto ao uma arvore que será a árvore da família. Continuando o seu ciclo agora sendo substrato para outras vidas. _ #placenta #treeoflife #birthwithoutfear A post shared by birthwithoutfear (@birthwithoutfear) on Jun 13, 2017 at 7:27am PDT So much #vernix! Did your baby have a lot or none at all? :@appleblossomfamilies #birthwithoutfear #birthdayfrosting A post shared by birthwithoutfear (@birthwithoutfear) on Jun 13, 2017 at 7:05pm PDT Oh hi there. Those cheese tho. Do you remember your first gaze with your baby? :@plumafilmes #birthwithoutfear #optionssupportrespect A post shared by birthwithoutfear (@birthwithoutfear) on Jun 14, 2017 at 6:49am PDT Make a bubble. Only supportive people allowed inside. Everyone else gets a throat punch out. Seems harsh? Well, they aren’t the ones that will be living through, processing, and healing from your birth experience. Own your birth. You’ve got this. @januaryharshe #birthwithoutfear #optionssupportrespect A post shared by birthwithoutfear (@birthwithoutfear) on Jun 14, 2017 at 9:25am PDT Oh, these #skintoskin cuddles are so healing and needed for both mom and baby. Discuss it with your provider! Image via @mountainmommacollective. #birthwithoutfear #optionssupportrespect A post shared by birthwithoutfear (@birthwithoutfear) on Jun 14, 2017 at 5:51pm PDT One hour old and the cutest little baby we’ve ever seen. :@fodselsfotografen #birthwithoutfear A post shared by birthwithoutfear (@birthwithoutfear) on Jun 18, 2017 at 6:38am PDT One of our favorite dad images this year. So much emotion here. “This is a story about a mom and a dad who went through loss and persistence to get their baby. That tattoo on his chest was done after their first miscarriage, and now his daughter lies her sweet head against it. Both of them a reminder of triumph.” @photosbylei @dontforgetdads #dontforgetdads #birthwithoutfear A post shared by birthwithoutfear (@birthwithoutfear) on Jun 18, 2017 at 11:31am PDT Recommended ReadingCalm Water Birth {Every Little Thing Is Going To Be Alright}More Birth, Breastfeeding and Placenta Pictures Removed From FacebookAn Inspiring Natural {Hospital} BirthUnmedicated Birth Story {Pre-Labour ROM, Induction 48 hours Later}Natural Hospital Birth Photos {Live Without Fear}Vaginal Hospital Birth of TRIPLETSThe Harshē Podcast – Episode #80: Top 9 of 2019!The Harshe Podcast – Episode #55: Hospital Birth Without FearMy CBAVBAC – Cesarean Birth After VBACNot Quite the Plan or 100% the Plan? A Hospital Birth