Amy Swagman started The Mandala Journey as a way to meditate, process emotions, and prepare for the birth of her third daughter Seren. Doing these pieces daily during her pregnancy helped Amy to have the beautiful, peaceful home birth she dreamed of.
Amy’s passion for art and birth have converged into forming a henna (mehndi) service in Denver specializing in pregnancy, dabbling in decorating belly casts, and now the Mandala Journey. Amy is also a doula who does a little birth photography as well. This talented mama does it all!
Amy sent in this picture she took to share with the BWF Community and following it is the Birth Art Piece she did.
The picture is another testament of how empowering natural birth is and her art piece is stunning!
This is why women choose natural birth…
This is what Amy has to say about this picture/piece:
Childbirth can be one of the most amazing, rewarding, heart-opening experiences. A woman goes through the challenging yet euphoric journey of labor, works with her baby, and together they emerge as a new creation. Oxytocin levels will never be higher for that mom and baby then at the moment of birth. This is birth how it is meant to be.
This piece is meant to be a response to all those “Why on earth would you not get an epidural/give birth outside a hospital/choose a midwife/etc” comments.
A huge thank you to my doula clients and midwife Sarah Stone at Mountain Midwifery Center for allowing me to use their birth photos as reference! It was such an honor to be at their birth.
You can contact Amy here with any questions, about an art piece she has made or any ideas.
I got chills!! Wow- such a breathtaking moment and now it will live forever in art! ::love::
Dawne in Iowa
I did, too! How amazing and beautiful!
Beautifull simply beautifull,what more if it has been encased in art
So beautiful! Makes me eager for my pregnancy which will be my first homebirth.
Your work is lovely. would like to use this in a presentation on VBACs for