I posted this breathtaking photo of a baby reaching up out of the water to meet his mother. Facebook removed it many times from the mom’s profile, but it has been greatly appreciated here. After it was posted, Maranda sent me similar pictures from her birth. Her little one was still half in side of her (under water) with his hand out of the water!
‘Hey mom! High five!’
Baby turning pink.
Birth high and meeting for the first time.
Photography by Forever Yours.
So cute..it is like he is saying “get me mom.”
On my gosh! Amazing!!
Jacque Gresham
You go girl!
Bethany Learn - Fit2B Studio
This one I just had to show my daughter. I’m trying to show her as many unique and beautiful birth pictures as I can that will help her see how MIRACULOUS the process will one day be for her. After seeing this one, she asked me if we have any pictures of HER birth. I said yes and that she’s seen them before. She asked to see them again and ASKED if I have a birth video of her… she’s six … I said yes and she asked to watch it. I said, “Well, you’d be seeing a bit of my buns if you watch it.” And she calmly said, “Well, duh. That’s okay with me, Mom!” Score one for normalizing birth!
So awesome 😀 you’re doing a great job with her!!!
Katrina @ Hix in the Stix ~ Army Edition
LOVE it!!! When I was 13 I actually attended my older sister’s birthing of her daughter. It was an amazing experience that gave me the courage to do an all-natural home birth. I hope to make birthing a “normal” experience for my children as well. I don’t have any video of the births but I do have pictures (more of my second than my first).
Tara Graney Doula
Watching my brother’s birth when I was 15 is THE reason I had two totally natural births myself, natural parented, became a Doula and why I am in Midwifery training. I’m so grateful for that moment in my life which paved my path today. My daughter is 7 and has said many times she “wants to see miracles happen for a living” when people ask “what do you want to do when you grow up” and to answer “what do you want to BE when you grow up” she simply says “well, I just want to be ME…and a Doula or a midwife like my mommy”
that’s wonderful mumma <3 we talked very casually about birth with my big two (2 and 3) before and after mini was born(she's now 4 months) they *still* ask to see the pictures and video of her birth which is wonderful – they both woke to meet her when they heard her first sounds at 10:45 at night, and got to touch their fresh wet sticky baby and see her still attached to mumma and see the cord we had talked about etc, then they went back to bed and i birthed the placenta, waited then tied and cut the cord, hubs cleaned up and we all went to bed 🙂 best thing ever – my girls will never be scared of birth and neither will yours <3 it's a very special gift to have given them <3
Wow. I thought this was not ideal as the baby’s skin feeling the air was what triggered him/her to breathe? My midwife was concerned at how little we’d filled the pool when she arrived after our baby had been born into it. It was fine he was fully submerged until born and I bought him to the surface. I’d be interested to hear hat others know
I don’t think it’s the skin that hits the air, it’s the lungs hitting the air that triggers the baby to take a breath. As long as the head stays submerged, the baby is safe!
In what POSSIBLE way did that violate Facebooks freaky terms? Whatever, FB. It is an awesome photo!
I don’t think it violated any of Facebook’s terms. I think it got reported by several people. :/
Those interested in more information on waterbirth and waterbirth safety I highly recomend reading as much as you can on the Waterbirth International website including the link above
Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!
my 9lbs8oz brow presentation baby was a home waterbirth watched by his siblings aged 5 and 2. magical wonderful experience.