• Planned Home Birth Gone Unassisted

    Early labor started around 8:30 AM, Tuesday, May 10th, 2011. Contractions were anywhere from 6-10 minutes, nothing unmanageable. This continued for an entire 24 hours into Wednesday, the 11th. Thankfully, I was able to sleep during the night through the contractions. I was going to really need this rest for later! It was getting pretty uncomfortable, and so I called…

  • Dad Makes it Home JUST in Time For the Birth of His Baby!

    This story is told and the pictures captured by Lizvette with Lizvette Wreath Photography. The birth story of baby Jacen brought happy tears to many people. I hope you enjoy it as well and share with the world this very happy ending. Ashleigh’s mom, Christy, contacted me via email last November. The idea of documenting the birth of Ashleigh’s first…

  • CBAC Video, Cesarean Birth After Cesarean

    I received this email from Cari. It is another testament to me how supportive BWF has been to women who have experienced all types of births. I am grateful women feel supported and experience healing through the knowledge and support given via BWF. ~January “This is the CBAC of my second son Avery. You played a crucial role in my…

  • Hospital Water Birth, Dad Catches

    From the day we found out we were pregnant, our delivery and birth choices were researched, studied and discussed amongst many people.  We decided early to have you naturally (un-medicated) and the education on how to accomplish that began.  We “interviewed” two different doulas, toured two different hospitals, talked with the delivery staff at one of them, “interviewed” the midwife…

  • An Unintended Unassisted Birth

    My daughter was my second baby, an easy hospital birth after an unnecessary prostaglandin induction at 38 weeks. My first was similarly induced at 29 weeks after we found out that he’d be stillborn. My hospital births weren’t bad or traumatic experiences, but there was something lacking – it wasn’t my space, I didn’t feel in control, certain things happened…

  • A Young Mother’s Birth Story Told with Photos

    “This is my album of my home birth. I labored in water and delivered on land.  I am 18 years old and feel this is my biggest accomplishment in my life already!” “Painless” contractions have been going on for about 11 hours now. It’s 9 am. I have barely slept 5 hours due to being so uncomfortable and dealing with…

  • A Few Birth Videos…

    Karla sent me her birth video and pictures to share with you. So gorgeous and can be found here. Also, Alison sent me her last two birth videos, both incredibly inspiring! Here is her first one. It was her 6th baby. She says, “My labor was 43 hours long and I love that these photos captured how much love and…

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