• Hospital Birth turned Emergency C-Section

    While my husband was away at basic training I was raising two sons, working and going to college full time. I had made the decision to not get an epidural with my third child due to the side effects I had the previous times. I was laboring from Friday to Monday. The hospital would not admit me because I was three days…

  • The Birth of Hazel Ann

    I began having a few random contractions on October 31st, this was the day I hoped our baby wouldn’t be born. It’s not that I hate Halloween, I just didn’t want a holiday baby. I felt good throughout most of the day, a contraction here and there but nothing to think about too much. I left work to help Ida’s…

  • VBAC Plan Turns into a Healing Repeat C-Section

    I had a very traumatic cesarean section birth with my first son. He was induced at 39 weeks because of my rising blood pressure and labor progressed uneventfully. I had an epidural and got to the pushing stage, but he got stuck in my pelvis after pushing for 3 hours. I was terrified of the surgery but the doctors assured…

  • Sticking Up for Myself and My Birth

    I went to get induced on the 12th of July 2011, I was getting regular contractions but they weren’t painful. I was in pre-labour. They decided to insert the first lot of gel, I was fine with that and went for walks around the hospital. Then, while walking my hind waters broke, so the nurses/midwives checked to see if they…

  • Birth Without Fear {It is Possible}

    Wednesday the 13th of February, I couldn’t sleep.  I went to bed at 9pm and I was straight back out at 9:30. I sat on the couch with Penelope and Shadow (fur children -dogs!), watching random stuff on TV and playing iPad bingo. At 12:30am, I felt a slight gush of liquid and I was a little suspicious. Thursday 14th…

  • Ari’s Journey Earthside {A Story of Down Syndrome}

    Ever since I can remember, I have known that I wanted a natural birth.  My mom had me naturally and presented a positive outlook on birthing and our ability to birth un-medicated, as women have done since the dawn of time. Through the years, my image of birth began to look, more specifically, outside of the typical hospital setting. With…

  • A Healing Natural Water Birth

    This was a very healing birth for me. My first son’s birth I was induced at 41 weeks, had an epidural, and left in love with my healthy baby but feeling robbed of my birth experience. We suffered a loss 3 years later. Henry is our “rainbow baby”. It was amazing to learn to trust my body, and watch and…

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