Growing up, I’ve always dreamed of becoming a mommy and a wife, but never a military wife who would have to deal with deployments and whatnot. But when I met my husband, I knew that it would just be a part of our life, because he was worth it and he was the man for me.
However when he deployed when I was 18 weeks pregnant, no one told me how hard it would be to be pregnant without him and when he told me he couldn’t come home for the birth and neither could my mom, I was scared because I would be giving birth to our first-born all by myself.
By luck I found a doula who offered her services through a program called Operation Special Delivery, and she was my angel! She stayed with me through 20 hours of labor and guided me the whole time. Luckily, my husband was able to Skype the birth with me, too! I gave birth 5 months ago to a happy, healthy, and thriving boy, 8.5 lbs and 20.5 inches.
He hasn’t met his daddy yet, but he will soon! I read him his recordable storybooks every day and they Skype from time to time, so I know he knows his daddy is there loving him even from afar. This experience has just made me stronger; I wish all the military mommas going through the same thing luck and know that you can do it! 🙂
Stephanie Kramer and 1lt Timothy Kramer and Johnny, our son
{Props to my doula, Virginia Rivenbark! www.preparingforbirthandbeyond.com}
One Comment
I love this story. I am going through the same issue now. Unfortunately, my Doula is not a part of OSD but she did give us a discount and I have asked my family to give us money instead of gifts to help pay for it.
I wish you guys all the best. It is nice to know that we are not the only family going through this.