• A Home Birth on Father’s Day 2013

    Father’s Day For my Father’s Day, I was given the gift of a fourth girl. At home. Part of that gift was being the first person she looked at and providing the hands that caught her and gave her to her mother. Father’s Day 2013 will be one that I always remember. Even though Delaney is our fourth child, she…

  • I Am Strong {Survival from an abusive relationship}

    My name is Caroline, and I am strong, because at 20 I got pregnant with a man whom had physically and mentally abused me for over a year. He had hit me, kicked me and verbally abused me. The pregnancy was obviously unintended, and I didn’t find out until I was 4 months pregnant, because I kept having my period.…

  • A Cesarean followed by a {Healing} Medicated VBAC

    On October 16th, 2008, my son came into this crazy world. He was born via emergency C-section, which to this day I am still not too sure how I feel about it. I was induced not even being a week overdue. I was anxious, uneducated and just wanted to have my baby here. My blood pressure was up and I…

  • Two Unplanned Unassisted Births

    The birth story of my second daughter really starts with the accidental unassisted and unplanned homebirth of my first child. I was terrified to give birth during my first pregnancy. It consumed my thoughts the minute I saw that second line on the pregnancy test, and that fear hung on until she was born. I even considered an elective cesarean…

  • Healing Hospital VBAC After Traumatic Cesarean

    The stories of my children’s births are both my worst and best day. Jackson was born February 26, 2011.  I had wanted a natural childbirth, unfortunately that did not happen.   I was called by my midwife on the 23rd, stating that she had concerns regarding some of my blood work and said that I would need to be induced that…

  • Hospital Water Birth with a {Supportive} OB

    I’d like to share a story that includes a birth story. I want to share with you the way that the right doctor can have influence. I will start by saying I didn’t have an OB, I didn’t have a midwife, I choose to use my family medicine general practitioner as my doctor. He was my grandma’s doctor, he is…

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