Sunday, July 10th, started off as a lazy Family day. We (me, William – my husband, and almost two-year-old toddler, Oliver) woke up around eight and laid in bed relaxing and snuggling as is our custom on weekends. I was 38 weeks and four days pregnant with our di/di twins. At 8:30 I got up to pee and was surprised…
Talking High School Mascots After a C-Section
As a mother, I had this sort of primal need to birth my children the way women’s bodies were designed to birth children. My first two children were born after pitocin inductions and epidurals. Their births were special and miraculous, don’t get me wrong, but I always wondered what it would be like to have a baby without any intervention,…
Reality of Breastfeeding…Where are the Rainbows?
Let’s talk about breastfeeding for a moment. While it would be wonderful if all babies magically nursed perfectly, well…they don’t. Similar to pregnancy, birth, and motherhood…. breastfeeding is another life lesson that can push us to our limits. It’s a *journey* all of its own. Out of six children, I have nursed four. I’ve also used formula, pumped (a lot),…
From Braxton Hicks to Immediate Transition: Backseat Car Birth of Kenan John!
On Wednesday, January 27th at 2:30 pm I went to my birthing center for my weekly checkup. With me being 38 weeks and 4 days and having had consistent Braxton Hicks for the past couple weeks, my midwife decided to check me. She said I was at a 1 and my cervix was completely soft. While she was down there…
Being a Mama — With an Eating Disorder
(Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Judy Tsuei of Meditations for Mamas.) When I was 17, I developed an eating disorder though I didn’t quite know what was happening. What I did know was that my home life was increasingly chaotic and my sensitive nature couldn’t handle it. Somehow, my brain found a sense of control however it…
33 Things You ALWAYS Want to Say to (or Do for) a Pregnant Woman
There are plenty of things you never want to say to a pregnant mama (not unless you want to risk a throat punch). However, what about things you DO want to say to a pregnant mama? Here is a list of safe comments you are allowed to make to a pregnant mama. Please read carefully. 1.) “You’re glowing!” 2.) “I’m…
Breastfed Babies are Better, Nursing a 3 Year Old is Gross, And Other Bullshit
When my oldest was a year old, a friend told me that my baby and I couldn’t be as bonded as her and her baby because we bottlefed and she breastfed. I wasn’t necessarily offended, as I was confused. I had a very deep bond with my baby and was madly in love her, so how could she claim that?…
Ordinary is Amazing, Even in Motherhood
Motherhood is beautiful, worth it, amazing, the most joy you’ll ever know, and the most important work you’ll ever do. Isn’t that cliche? Yet it’s 100% true. It’s also hard. Really fucking hard. Some days you nail it. Meet all your expectations. Even the hardest ones. Perfect non-GMO all organic meals served in BPA-free bento boxes, activities with enough outside…
Overcoming Triploidy, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, & Chemo for a Natural Childbirth
My second pregnancy was anything but ‘normal.’ Unlike my first pregnancy, conceiving our second baby took several months – eight to be exact. But much like my first, I had planned on delivering via natural birth at a birthing center. My husband and I had a wonderful experience with our first daughter delivering naturally, and I knew that’s exactly what…