“This photo is from my home birth on September 23rd–Brittany welcoming baby Jayden. Kudos to my amazing midwife Parveen Kelly. I like to tell friends–this is how “scary” birth is. Such an amazing day and experience– I’m so glad I trusted my instinct and went through with the home birth.” ~Brittany B.
Pure Delight…VBAC Mom and Baby
VBAC mom at her home birth of her healthy 8lb 6 oz boy! Image shared with permission from {mh} Birth Photography.
A Story of Patience; 20 Years of Waiting, 44 weeks Gestation, an Unassisted Birth!
After three horrendous inductions that took three days apiece, I decided that this time it was going to be different, that my son (after five girls and 20 years of trying), as my last child, HAD to have a gentle birth and I NEEDED a positive birth experience. I got researching, spending hours and hours trawling the internet, reading chapters and chapters of…
The Birth Center Birth of Avett
I had been having painful contractions since Monday afternoon, and that night we had a false alarm- although they were very close together, I had only dilated to 1cm so they sent me back home. Contractions continued though Tuesday, accompanied by extremely painful cramping. My water broke in the bathtub while Brandon (my husband) was downstairs, I called out for…
AROM and OB’s First Vaginal Birth with a Prolapsed Cord!
I woke up on August 15th 2012, contracting. Nothing too strong or in a good pattern but I figured I would call my doctor since I was 36 weeks and five days (or so we thought). I called him and he told me that if my water broke or I had contractions every four minutes lasting one minute, for one…
Faith, a Change in Plans, and a Beautiful Birth
“God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7. This was the verse that got me through my pregnancy and labor. I had prayed that God would provide me with a swift and safe delivery. I wanted a labor and delivery free of medications and interventions. I knew my…
Papa and Grandaughter; A Birth Photographer’s Reflecting Thoughts
These beautiful images and words were sent in by Carissa with Carissa Pierce Photography. “Having lost my dad before I was married and had children this birth picture I took yesterday is super special. Papa and grand-daughter. Evokes so much emotion….look at the eye contact, the flowing beard, the obvious size difference. This picture alone would be worth millions to…
HBA2C Cord Pic Preview
My awesome friend Ruthie just attended an HBA2C of a patient, beautiful mama. She is writing up her birth story to share with BWF followers soon. Here is another sneak peek at her amazing birth. This picture is incredible. The baby is half in mom, half in the world. Midwife peacefully and gently unlooping the cord. No stress or worries.…
Birth Story Written by Dad
Lisa emailed me this, “I found you on facebook, and now I follow your Blog! Love it! It was very inspirational to me before my baby’s birth and still is now. My baby is 15 days old today, and I wanted to share our birth story with you. My husband wrote it. “ From their birth story written by dad……