My awesome friend Ruthie just attended an HBA2C of a patient, beautiful mama. She is writing up her birth story to share with BWF followers soon. Here is another sneak peek at her amazing birth. This picture is incredible. The baby is half in mom, half in the world. Midwife peacefully and gently unlooping the cord. No stress or worries.
Picture shared with permission by Sophia’s Special Deliveries.
Mama birthed so beautifully. She was so in tune with her baby and her body, it was awe inspiring and humbling. The closest to God we can be, I think, is in the presence of birth.
Crystal Alan
Wow! I love this picture! I just recently lost a baby because the cord wrapped tightly around her neck three times before I even went into labor – she was stillborn. Seeing this picture is encouraging because it reminds me that, most of the time, the cord can get wrapped around baby and everything turns out fine. My doctor already told me that the cord gets like that about 25% of the time with no problems, but the picture (and the story that goes with it, I’m sure) is so much better than a cold statistic. It makes me much less worried about having another baby.